23rd January 2012


Report prepared by; J Kitson



1.                     OBJECTIONS TO TRAFFIC ORDERS

1.1                 Issue for decision

1.1.1            To consider the objections received as part of the formal consultation following the advertising of;


·         The Kent County Council (Borough of Maidstone) Waiting

Restrictions Order (variation No 12) 2012.


·         The Kent County Council (Borough of Maidstone) Designated

          Parking Places Order (variation No 7) 2012.


·         The Kent County Council (Borough of Maidstone) Waiting

Restrictions Order (variation No 13) 2012.


·         The Kent County Council (Borough of Maidstone) Designated

          Parking Places Order (variation No 8) 2012.


1.2                 Recommendation of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services

1.2.1            That the Joint Transportation Board recommends to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development each of the recommendations identified in the appendices to the report be agreed and the objectors informed of the outcome.


1.2.2            That the Board recommends to Kent County Council as the Highway Authority that the orders be implemented as outlined in Appendix A, B, C and D.


1.3                 Reasons for recommendation


1.3.1            Various requests have been received by Parking Services for the introduction of parking restrictions at several locations across the Borough. These have been surveyed and evaluated to assess the impact on parking provision within each local area where significant parking difficulties were identified. Proposed orders were advertised and all comments received during the formal consultation were reviewed and considered.


1.3.2            A Public Notice formally advertising the orders for Waiting Restrictions Variation No 12 and Designated Parking Places Variation No 7 was published in the Local Press during the week ending Friday 30th November 2012.


1.3.3            A Public Notice formally advertising the orders for Waiting Restrictions Variation No 13 and Designated Parking Places Variation No 8 was published in the Local Press during the week ending Friday 14th December 2012.


1.3.4            Full details were contained in the draft orders which, together with a copy of the Public Notices, site plans and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the orders were placed on deposit at the Main Reception, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX, and at the Gateway Reception, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ.


Details were also available on-line at www.kentonline.co.uk, and www.maidstone.gov.uk.


1.3.5            Letters were sent to statutory and non statutory consultees. Street notices were also posted in prominent positions on the affected roads.


1.3.6            Appendix A provides the proposed orders not receiving objections to Waiting Restrictions Variation No 12 and Designated Parking Places Variation No 7.


1.3.7            No objections to these proposals were received during the public consultation and therefore it is recommend that the proposals be agreed and to recommend to the Cabinet Member to proceed with the proposals and make the Order.


1.3.8            Appendix B provides the proposed orders not receiving objections to Waiting Restrictions Variation No 13 and Designated Parking Places Variation No 8 and the relevant recommendations.


1.3.9            It is recommend that the proposals be agreed and to recommend to the Cabinet Member to proceed with the proposals and make the Order.


1.3.10         Appendix C provides the proposed orders receiving objection, to Waiting restrictions variation No 13 and Designated Parking Places Variation No 8 together with a summary of the objections and the relevant recommendations.


1.3.11         Appendix D provides detailed maps of each proposal.


1.4                 Alternative actions and why not recommended

1.4.1            To not proceed with the recommendations would result in some much needed orders not being implemented, which are intended to regulate parking to reduce identified difficulties.     


1.4.2            To make the orders as advertised would not take account of comments received during formal consultation.


1.5                 Impact on corporate objectives

1.5.1            The proposals are intended to resolve parking problems and improve traffic flow by reducing localised congestion. This impacts directly on the Councils vision and objective for Maidstone to have a growing economy by having a transport network that supports the local economy.


1.6                 Risk Management


1.6.1            Consideration must be given to objections and formal letters of support with regard to each proposal.  However this must be balanced against the risks involved in relation to road safety, the free flow of traffic, environmental impact and vehicle migration.

Impact on Corporate Implications


1.   Financial




2.   Staffing




3.   Legal




4.   Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.   Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.   Community Safety



7.   Human Rights Act



8.   Procurement



9.   Asset Management





1.6.2            Financial

The costs of the order variation and implementation will be met from within the existing Parking Services budget.

1.6.3            Legal

Formal orders will need to be made and signed by Kent County Council as the Highway Authority.


1.7                 Background Documents








Yes                                               No



If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan?





This is a Key Decision because: ………………………………………………………………………..






Wards/Parishes affected: …………………………………………………………………………………..

