C1 Appendix Police Evidence and conditions (2)

Please give the reason for the representation and detail the evidence supporting it:

Kent Police make these representations in respect of the application for a premises licence to be granted for a field of Eel House Farm, Boughton Monchelsea. (The grid reference is quoted as TQ76730 48721.)

The application is requesting most licensable activities with the relevant timings generally being between 12:00hrs and 02:00hrs. It is the Police’s understanding that the applicants are intending to hold music based festivals on the site following an event of that nature staged in September 2012 which was held on a Temporary Event Notice.

From speaking to the applicants they are hoping to expand their events and want the flexibility that a premises licence can bring, including the opportunity to hold more than just one event a year.

On this understanding it is clear that such a premises licence needs to be designed to evolve with the events year on year, but still uphold the licensing objectives. The operating schedule uses terms such as “family friendly” and “attract social and environmentally responsible behaviour”, however due to the non-specific nature of these phrases, they are not really enforceable as conditions to add to a licence. It should also be remembered that once granted the premises licence lasts for life and could potentially be used to stage any event, so long as someone calls it “family friendly”,

The operating schedule makes reference to security staff being used when required and an event management team being formed when appropriate. However there is no detail as to when these things will be required or become appropriate. The situation is similar with the mention of sound monitoring.  

Although the venue is located on farmland in a rural area there are residents whom live nearby and these people should not be affected by the events being held at the venue. The other significance about this rural location is that attendees will predominantly have to use private transport to access the site as it is not serviced by public transport. This means a rise in vehicular traffic along the surrounding narrow country lanes.

The planned events involve outside amplified music, the sale of alcohol and overnight camping, these activities carry a very significant risk to the licensing objectives and therefore strong conditions are required to make sure that the licensing objectives are protected.


Last year’s event run under a TEN, apparently attracted around 350 people and the event did lead to a noise complaint which Kent Police believe evidences some of our concerns.



Suggested conditions that could be added to the licence to remedy the representation or other suggestions the licensing sub-committee may take into account:

An event management plan is to be drawn up for each event. This plan will be based upon the Purple Guide and cover each heading as listed in the guide.

A maximum number of persons attending each event will be determined in advance of the event.

Any event which is expected to attract between 500 and 999 people is to be brought to the attention of Kent Police and Maidstone Borough Council’s Safety Advisory Group at least 3 months before the event.

Any event which is expected to attract 1000 people or more is to be brought to the attention of Kent Police and Maidstone Borough Council’s Safety Advisory Group at least 6 months before the event.

The Challenge 25 scheme is to be in operation at all bars where alcohol is sold and appropriate signage on display.

Liquid refreshment including alcohol is only to be sold or supplied in polycarbonate containers, plastic or waxed paper cups except when previously agreed by Kent Police. 

Kent Police (Licensing Dept) shall be notified at least 7 weeks in advance of any event where alcohol is to be sold. If an event is booked within 7 weeks of the proposed start date then the provision to sell alcohol will be agreed by Kent Police prior to the event.  

Kent Police (Licensing Dept) shall be notified as soon as practicable of any event at which overnight camping is anticipated.

A personal licence holder will be present on site at all times that alcohol is being offered for sale.