Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          9thOctober 2013

Subject:                    Schemes Report

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on traffic and safety schemes currently being progressed by KCC Highways and Transportation



  1. A229 Running Horse Roundabout


 We are currently developing the detailed design and liasing with external agencies to co-ordinate this complex project.   It looks increasing unlikely that this scheme can be delivered in December as planned.  This is mainly due to likely weather constraints which could jeopardise our plans to resurface and remark the new layout, it is now envisaged that the works will be undertaken in the spring although every effort is being made to see if an earlier start is possible.


  1. A229 Stile Bridge to Knoxbridge


A detailed route study has been commissioned with our consultants, Amey. The area covered has been increased to include the section where the recent tragic incident occurred near Rankins Farm.  As an interim measure we have reviewed the recent personal injury crash history and propose a number of quick win measures in both the Maidstone and Tonbridge Wells sections of the A229.


  1. A20 Ashford Road j/w Old Ashford Road


  Works are ordered and planned for implementation in mid October.  and include improved warning signs and high friction surfacing.


4.    St Faith Street


 Signage works are currently being designed. We propose warning signs opposite the exit from Fremlins Walk car park




5.    B2015 Maidstone Road j/w B2162 Hampstead Lane


 Works are programmed for implementation in mid October. We propose improved signage, high friction surfacing and additional road markings.



6.    A2045 Walderslade Woods j/w Impton Lane (east)


This site is mainly within Tonbridge and Malling; however it is close to the Maidstone Borough boundary. The signage works and high friction surfacing has been completed. The extensive vegetation clearance will be undertaken in the Autumn for ecological reasons.


7.     A20 Ashford Road j/w Broomfield Road


 This improvement scheme is currently being designed. We propose new signage to highlight the side junction and bend


Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 08458 247800