12 2046 sc Urgent Update

Item no. 14

Page no. 46


Ledian Farm Upper Street LEEDS

Reference no. MA/12/2046

Officer comment

I wish to apologise to Members and to correct an error in the ground of refusal as set out on page 89.

Amendment to recommendation

Amend ground of refusal to read.

The proposed development would result in a significant encroachment into countryside beyond the defined settlement boundary of Leeds village. The resultant development would substantially reduce the openness of the area causing harm to the overall character and appearance of the countryside and the conservation area. To permit the development, in the absence of any overriding need for the development to be located on the site adjacent to a settlement which is not a rural service centre or where the likely benefits of the development are not of overriding weight, would be contrary to the provisions of policy ENV28 of the Maidstone Borough-wide Local Plan 2000 and the advice in the NPPF 2012.