Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          22nd January 2014

Subject:                    Cuckoowood Avenue

Classification:         For Decision


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Cuckoowood Avenue, Sandling, Maidstone



1.    Background

A previous Traffic Regulation Order, to implement the existing double yellow lines in Cuckoowood Avenue, was implemented in September 2012, having received no objections when advertised.  The lines extend the entire length of Cuckoowood Avenue on both sides of the road and also extend into Sandling Lane by 12.5m. Local residents of Boarley Court have complained that the existing arrangements prevent parking by local residents who have insufficient parking for their needs within Boarley Court itself.


2.    Proposed Alterations

Following discussions with representatives of the residents of Boarley Court, a proposal to remove 67m of double yellow lines on the south eastern side of Cuckoowood Avenue was advertised on 21September 2013 (appendix a). There have not been any reported crashes within Cuckoowood Avenue in the past 10 years (appendix b). There has been one reported crash on Sandling Lane at the junction with Cuckoowood Avenue; this involved a vehicle waiting to turn right into Cuckoowood Avenue which was struck from the rear.  It was felt this offered a suitable compromise to residents whilst keeping the junction of with Sandling Lane clear.


3.    Objections and Support

We received a total of seven objections and a petition from the residents with 15 signatures and 13 sets of comments. (appendix c)


4.    Officers recommendation

It is felt the proposed changes to the existing waiting restrictions offer a reasonable compromise to residents of Boarley Court, who currently do experience difficulties when trying to park. There is a possibility that residents of the Sandling Park development, who also have limited parking may choose to park in Cuckoowood Avenue, as they did previously. However with the double yellow retained at the junction it is felt, given the previous crash history, that this represents a reasonable balance between preventing dangerous obstruction and allowing necessary residential parking.


Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 03000 418181