SCRAIP update report to 141029

SCRAIP update report for Community Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee


SCRAIPs responses up to 29 October 2014



Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services report back to the Committee, in terms of performance against priorities for Parish Liaison, on:


o Partnerships formed

o Outcomes achieved

o Results for residents

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


 The Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services will support Parish Liaison through improved locality and place shaping. The Cabinet Member has programmed a series of introductory meetings between himself, parish councils and the Community Partnerships team, which aim to;


. Strengthen the Parish Council relationships with the Borough Council.

. Help the Parish Council (and its community) enhance its status.

. Harness and encourage parish councils to share and provide its expertise and knowledge on local issues.

. Encourage and support partnership working, involvement from other agencies and increased local voluntary action.



 . Cabinet Member introductory meetings held with all Parish Councils in Maidstone - Sarah Robson has diarised a programme of meetings for September to December 2014. The meetings will provide an overview of the Cabinet Member's role and remit, the role of the Community Partnerships team and key priorities supported by the Community Safety Plan, Community Development Plan and Health Inequalities Action Plan.

 . Quarterly Parish Liaison meetings hosted by Zena Cooke and attended by Cllr Perry, Cllr Peter Colling, Cllr Geraldine Brown, Paul Riley, John Littlemore, Sarah Robson and Abi Jessop (KCC Community Engagement Officer).

. Local Plan - D:SE facilitated an LP infrastructure day for the Parish Council.

. Annual Parish Conference held in March 2015. John Littlemore has requested Affordable Housing is added to the Agenda.

. Parish Charter to be refreshed for Maidstone. It will aim to set a standard for the Borough and Parish Councils to work together, respecting a vision for partnership working and acknowledging the borough’s rich and diverse character. A working group has been established (chaired by Cllrs Brown and Perry) and MBC HoS have been engaged and commented on the draft.

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Sarah Robson


Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure services investigate ownership of allotments along with fairness of allocation of sites

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services



Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Jason Taylor


That the following question be send to the Head of Housing and Community Services:


. Would funding beyond 2015 be available to staff the Empty Homes initiative?

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


As part of the Budget Review Housing has requested continued funding for this post.

John Littlemore


That the following questions be send to the Head of Planning and Development regarding the Empty Homes Strategy:


. Would the empty homes bought back into use be used as ‘windfall’ figures to reduce the objectively assessed housing need figure for the Local Plan?




Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Private Rented Sector Update report be presented to the 13 January meeting of the Community, environment and Housing OSC.



The report has been delayed by structural changes within the Housing Service, the lead officer for this report has left the service and this piece of work has yet to be reassigned.

John Littlemore


That an update report on the second collective switching campaign be presented to the committee at their 10 February 2015 meeting by Programme Manager (Financial Inclusion and Maidstone Families Matter);

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


Date noted, agreed.

Ellie Kershaw