45 Property Asset Review Update PDF 75 KB
The Corporate Property
Manager updated the committee on the progress of the Property Asset
review. The progress was outlined under
three headings – ‘More estates work needed to maximise
value’, ‘Management Intervention required’, and
‘Dispose/Develop’. Work on the review recommendations
was continuing to maximise revenue, and the development of the
asset management plan would ensure a strategy for to support the
work on individual assets and ensure good outcomes continued to be
In response to questions the Corporate Property Manager outlined
the standard maintenance budget used annually over the
Council’s properties. A recent
change was to ensure there were schedules of condition for every
property the Council owns in order to prevent situations like those
at Heather House.
That the progress made on the effective use of the
Council’s property assets since the Property Asset Review
report was submitted in January 2019 be noted.