Issue - meetings

Equalities Objectives and Action Plan – Update

Meeting: 21/07/2020 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 25)

25 Equalities Objectives and Action Plan – Update pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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The Equalities and Corporate Policy Officer introduced the update report, with the current policy, that sets out how the Council would fulfil its Public Sector Equality Duty Act within the Equalities Act 2010, approved in 2017. Appendix 1 outlined the actions that had been taken within the last year, with highlights of this shown within paragraph 2.11 of the report.


Particular attention was drawn to strength of the Council’s consultation and engagement, with 14 public consultations completed in 2019-20, the Dementia Training that had been provided across the Council with the Museum having implemented Dementia friendly openings, and the Government timescales for EU accessibility standards for public sector websites having been met.


The revised action plan for 2020-21 was shown in Appendix 2, with the Equalities and Corporate Policy Officer having highlighted the diversity and equality issues experienced so far in 2020 related to race and the differential impacts of Covid-19. The impact of the Black Lives Matter movement highlighted the need for continued conversations to ensure that equality of opportunity was achieved. The revised plan as proposed would support this.


The Equalities and Corporate Policy Officer confirmed that the formation of an equalities group would include staff members from different sectors of the Council. The Committee welcomed the report with positive feedback given.




1.  The Equalities Objectives and Action Plan update as Appendix 1 be noted;


2.  Subject to the insertion of the wording ‘and inclusive’ to the ‘Why it Matters’ section of the Council’s objective as a service provider, the Equalities and Action Plan at Appendix 2 be agreed; and


3.  The inclusion of a new protected characteristic in the equalities impact statement, as outlined in paragraphs 2.17 to 2.19 of the report, be noted.