Issue - meetings

Property Acquisition 2

Meeting: 16/09/2020 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 44)

Property Acquisition 2

Additional documents:


The Housing Delivery Manager introduced the report and noted that the

properties under consideration were two-bedrooms in size, with parking facilities and private rear gardens, to be let at market rent rates. If purchased, the properties would be leased to Maidstone Property Holdings Limited (MPH). The predicted internal rate of return calculated on the total Net Market Rental Income meets the financial hurdle rate set for such investments. The properties were well situated in terms of access to local amenities, and the advice received from agents had indicated that a good level of demand for the properties would be achieved as a result.


The Committee considered the scheme’s viability, the purchase price and

concern with purchasing properties initially intended for market sale. It was confirmed that the discounted purchase price was based on the Council’s own valuation advice rather than through the developer’s assumed values.


In response to questions it was confirmed that once transferred to MPH a

suitable pet policy would be chosen as this was already being discussed by the company. The fees shown within Appendix 2 of the report would be a one-off payment.


The potential for implementing provisions that promoted the let of the properties to local residents, in the first instance, was discussed. It was noted that that officers would explore a local lettings policy for some of the MPH housing portfolio.




1.  The financial returns for the scheme shown at Exempt Appendix 2, which support the Housing Development and Regeneration Investment Plan, be noted;


2.  The Director of Finance and Business Improvement be granted delegated authority to enter into a land transaction and development agreement with the developer for the sums given in Appendix 2, together with any related appointments, legal actions, deeds and agreements which may be required to facilitate the purchase;


3.  The Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to appoint the Solicitors required to complete the necessary contract documentation, heads of terms, deeds and agreements associated with the purchase on the terms as agreed by the Director of Finance;


4.  The Director of Finance and Business Improvement be granted delegated authority to appoint a management organisation on agreed terms to manage the Property and the market rental apartments and to procure and award such contracts for any services, including repairs and maintenance contracts as necessary; and


5.  The Director of Finance and Business Improvement be granted delegated authority to grant such lease(s) of the Property as necessary on terms to be agreed, and authorise the completion of such lease(s) and all ancillary deeds and agreements and the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to complete the necessary legal formalities for such lease(s) in due course.


Councillor Garten requested that his dissent with the resolution be noted.