Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion - Anti-Idling Campaign

Meeting: 30/09/2020 - Council (Item 163)

Notice of Motion - Anti-Idling Campaign

Notice of the following motion has been given by Councillor Adkinson, seconded by Councillor Harper:


Following the question to Council by a member of the public at its meeting on 15 July 2020, and whilst welcoming the findings of Maidstone Borough Council’s 2020 air quality Annual Status Report, it is disappointing to note that the provisions of Regulation 12 of The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002 have still not been implemented by Maidstone Borough Council.


These provisions are even more relevant today as the country slowly emerges from lockdown due to Covid-19.


Schools are back, but social distancing rules and understandable anxiety of parents have meant that fewer journeys to schools are being made by public transport.  It is estimated that you would need at least 5 times the number of buses the UK currently has to enable safe social distancing.

Therefore, there are now more cars on our already polluted roads than ever before – all pumping out noxious fumes.


Idling is detrimental to the modern automotive engine, but even more seriously idling engines are adding to already bad air pollution.  Air pollution is linked to poor recovery and higher infection rates of Covid-19 due to damage caused to the lungs.


This Council therefore resolves to ensure that the provisions of Regulation 12 of The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002 are enacted immediately, with appropriate publicity, training of enforcement officers, engagement with local businesses, bus and taxi operators and presentations in schools as has been done in the London-wide Idling Action’s #enginesoff campaign.



Notice of the following motion had been given by Councillor Adkinson, seconded by Councillor Harper:


Following the question to Council by a member of the public at its meeting on 15 July 2020, and whilst welcoming the findings of Maidstone Borough Council’s 2020 air quality Annual Status Report, it is disappointing to note that the provisions of Regulation 12 of The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002 have still not been implemented by Maidstone Borough Council.

These provisions are even more relevant today as the country slowly emerges from lockdown due to Covid-19.


Schools are back, but social distancing rules and understandable anxiety of parents have meant that fewer journeys to schools are being made by public transport.  It is estimated that you would need at least 5 times the number of buses the UK currently has to enable safe social distancing.  Therefore, there are now more cars on our already polluted roads than ever before – all pumping out noxious fumes.


Idling is detrimental to the modern automotive engine, but even more seriously idling engines are adding to already bad air pollution.  Air pollution is linked to poor recovery and higher infection rates of Covid-19 due to damage caused to the lungs.


This Council therefore resolves to ensure that the provisions of Regulation 12 of The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002 are enacted immediately, with appropriate publicity, training of enforcement officers, engagement with local businesses, bus and taxi operators and presentations in schools as has been done in the London-wide Idling Action’s #enginesoff campaign.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18.5, the motion, having been moved and seconded, was referred to the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


Note:  Councillor Daley left the meeting during consideration of this item (10.00 p.m.).