Issue - meetings

Report of the Democratic and Electoral Services Manager - Call-In of Policy and Resources Decisions on Property Acquisition 1 and Property Acquisition 2

Meeting: 05/10/2020 - Council (Item 175)

175 Report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance - Call-In of Policy and Resources Committee Decisions on Property Acquisition 1 and Property Acquisition 2 pdf icon PDF 56 KB

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It was moved by Councillor M Burton, seconded by Councillor Purle:


1.  That the delegated authority granted to Officers under agenda items 15 and 16 of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 16 September 2020 be revoked.


2.  That the Housing Regeneration and Investment Plan 2017 be referred back to the Policy and Resources Committee in order that it may review the strategy for building a private rental sector property portfolio.


When put to the vote, the motion was lost.


It was moved by Councillor Cox, seconded initially by Councillor Mortimer and then by Councillor Mrs Gooch due to connectivity issues, that the original decisions of the Policy and Resources Committee taken on 16 September 2020 in relation to Property Acquisition 1 and Property Acquisition 2, as set out in the report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance, be endorsed.


RESOLVED:  That the original decisions of the Policy and Resources Committee taken on 16 September 2020 in relation to Property Acquisition 1 and Property Acquisition 2, as set out in the report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance, be endorsed.


Councillors Mrs Blackmore, M Burton, Garten, Newton and D Rose requested that their dissent be recorded.




Having disclosed an Other Significant Interest, Councillor Brice left the meeting prior to the introduction of this item by the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance.


Councillor Lewins joined the meeting during the discussion on this item.


Councillor Eves left the meeting during consideration of this item.