Issue - meetings

lockmeadow phase 2

Meeting: 10/02/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 156)

156 Further Development of the Lockmeadow Leisure Complex pdf icon PDF 155 KB


The Leisure Property Manager introduced the report, stating that the Phase I development works had been completed in December 2020. The Phase II works focused on creating a food hall, expanding the outside terrace and the installation of a children’s play area. The projects would be funded through the previously allocated £1.5 million from the capital budget.


As a review of the car parking payment system was ongoing, the installation of bollards had been put on hold. The review had intended to discover how many cars would be accessing the site but this was not achievable in the current climate. The bollards could be installed quickly if needed.


Several Members expressed concerns about the significant traffic in the surrounding area, with the Leisure Property Manager having confirmed that the Highways Authority, Kent County Council, had applied for an experimental transport order that could create a one-way system. This would prevent drivers from turning right into Hart Street. The Chief Executive confirmed that the Council had been in contact with KCC regarding the traffic management concerns since September 2020.


There were some concerns that insufficient information had been provided to the Committee and that the improvement works should be conducted at a later date. In response to questions, the Leisure Manager highlighted that conducting the improvement works during the lockdown period was preferred and that 24/7 security was in place at the site. The aim of encouraging small businesses into the site was referenced, as three expressions of interest has been received from local businesses. It was hoped that by increasing Lockmeadow’s offerings, visitor dwell time would increase. The Committee expressed support overall for investing into the Lockmeadow complex.




1.  The proposed improvement work be supported;


2.  The requested capital spend be approved;


3.  The Director of Finance and Business Improvements be given delegated authority to seek planning permission for and deal with associated planning matters in relation to the landlord works described in the report and to undertake a procurement process and award such contracts for delivery of the works in line with financial procedure rules and applicable public contracts regulations and principles; and


4.  The Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to complete the necessary contract document and agreements associated with the works.


Note: Councillor Round temporarily left the meeting during the item’s discussion, at 8.41 p.m.