Issue - meetings

Appeal Decision List

Meeting: 22/07/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 91)

91 Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development setting out details of appeal decisions received since the last meeting.


Members were disappointed by the decision of the Planning Inspector to allow the appeal against the Committee’s decision to refuse application 20/500269/FULL (Erection of 1 no. 4 bedroom detached dwelling with associated amenity (Re-submission of 19/503872/FULL) – Land South of South Cottage, High Street, Staplehurst, Kent).


The Development Manager advised the Committee that:


·  Reference was made in the decision notice to the Council being unable to demonstrate a 5-year supply of deliverable housing sites.  This was not correct, and the Officers would be writing to the Planning Inspectorate drawing attention to the error.


·  The Inspector had allowed the appeal and granted planning permission subject to conditions.  The Council would be able to exert influence on the proposed development during the assessment of the condition submissions.


·  He would arrange for a copy of the decision notice to be circulated to all Members and Substitute Members of the Committee.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.