Issue - meetings

Brenchley Gardens

Meeting: 31/08/2021 - Communities, Housing and Environment Committee (Item 64)

64 Brenchley Gardens pdf icon PDF 170 KB

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The Community Protection Manager introduced the report which outlined steps taken to reduce the negative activity within the park.


In response to questions, the Head of Housing and Community Services explained that bringing a report to the Committee in November would allow time for discussion with park users. Brenchley Gardens was a standing item on the agenda at the relevant ward cluster meetings, which enabled a discussion with the relevant ward Members.


The Community Protection Manager commented that closing the park at night would not improve antisocial behaviour that mainly happened in the daytime. Consideration should be given to where displaced groups would go if the park was not accessible and how that would affect the ability to safeguard the young people involved.




1.  The approach set out in the report to address community safety concerns and create a more positive environment at Brenchley Gardens be endorsed;


2.  An update report be provided by the Head of Housing and Community Services to the Committee at their meeting on 30 November 2021;


3.  Officers be asked to pursue further and bring forward firm proposals and costings in the next Committee report as to:


a.  Securing and locking the grounds at night;

b.  Additional CCTV coverage;

c.  Additional lighting at night; and

d.  Securing the bandstand; and


4.  Officers be asked to meet with interested Members to discuss landscaping and biodiversity matters and to include any resulting actions and proposals when reporting to the Committee on the Parks Delivery Plan for Biodiversity.