Issue - meetings

Corporate Planning Timetable

Meeting: 27/07/2022 - Executive (Item 36)

36 Corporate Planning Timetable pdf icon PDF 210 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Strategic Plan 2019-2045 milestones for 2023-28 be refreshed and the corporate planning timetable at 3.5 of the report be approved.


(See Record of Decision)



Meeting: 13/07/2022 - Corporate Services Policy Advisory Committee (Item 32)

32 Corporate Planning Timetable pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Additional documents:


The Lead Member for Corporate Services introduced the report and explained that the timetable had been refreshed for the period 2023/2028 to incorporate changes which had occurred since the adoption of the strategic plan in 2018.


Reassurance was given that although the strategic plan itself would retain its priorities and therefore would not have significant changes, informal meetings could take place throughout the summer period for all Members to input into the refreshed plan.


RESOLVED: That the Strategic Plan 2019-45 milestones for 2023-28 be refreshed and the corporate planning timetable at point 3.5 of the report be recommended to the Executive for approval.