58 Parish Election Cycle - Order
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Democratic and Electoral Services Manager introduced the report and
outlined how a Local Government and Public Involvement in Health
Act 2007, Section 53 order would allow alignment of all Parish
Council election cycles with the Council’s. It was
highlighted that this would be administratively beneficial for the
Council, financially beneficial for Parish Councils and an expected
change which is in all parties’ interests.
Committee agreed that Parish Council elections that happened out of
cycle were expensive and time consuming and that Parishes would
likely be relieved to accept the new system.
RESOLVED: That Council be recommended to:
- Agree
that all Parish Council election cycles be aligned with Maidstone
Borough Council’s election cycle with the first such
elections to take place in May 2024; and
- Give
the Director of Strategy Insight and Governance delegated authority
to put in place the Order required to give effect to the
Council’s resolution.