Issue - meetings

Audit Committee Meetings Schedule

Meeting: 17/09/2012 - Audit Committee (Item 42)

42 Audit Committee Meetings Schedule pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Audit Partnership suggesting that the number of scheduled meetings of the Committee during the Municipal Year be reduced from six to five, with the first meeting of the year being scheduled for July and a date being set aside in June for Member training.


In response to questions by Members, the Officers explained that the number of scheduled meetings was the same as when the Committee was receiving reports from the Audit Commission on Comprehensive Performance Assessment, Comprehensive Area Assessment and the Use of Resources.  Since the Audit Commission ceased this aspect of its work in 2010, the total number of reports to the Committee had reduced.  Also, until last year, it was necessary for the Committee to meet in June in order to agree the Annual Statement of Accounts by the due deadline prior to it being submitted for external audit.  This process had been changed by statute and the Committee now had to meet in September to agree the audited Accounts, thus making the June meeting largely superfluous.  It was considered that five meetings a year would be sufficient for the Committee to carry out its business and meet its responsibilities, but additional meetings could be arranged if the need arose.


Members expressed concern that the proposed reduction in the number of scheduled meetings could result in excessive agendas and a loss of momentum.  They reiterated that in scheduling meetings, regard should be had to the Committee’s relationship with the Overview and Scrutiny function in order to complement work programmes and meeting dates, and avoid duplication.


RESOLVED:  That consideration of the proposed reduction in the number of scheduled meetings of the Audit Committee be deferred until the next meeting to enable the concerns expressed by Members to be addressed.