Issue - meetings

Members Allowances

Meeting: 27/02/2013 - Council (Item 115)

115 Report of the Head of Democratic Services - Members' Allowances pdf icon PDF 38 KB

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It was moved by Councillor Burton, seconded by Councillor Paine, that the recommendations contained in the report of the Head of Democratic Services relating to Members’ Allowances be approved.




1.  That the following clause relating to Broadband Allowance be included in the Members’ Allowances Scheme as a new paragraph 11:-


Councillors are entitled to claim for the actual cost of their broadband service, up to a maximum of £23.49 per month.  A copy of the Internet Service Provider’s (“ISP”) invoice must be supplied to the Payroll Department in May every year in order to continue to receive the allowance and should there be a change of provider, a copy of the new invoice must be sent to the Payroll Department informing them of the change of supplier and, if appropriate, the associated monthly and yearly cost thereafter.


2.  That Schedule 1 of the Members’ Allowances Scheme be amended as follows:-


  Delete:  Group Leaders Allowance;

Add:  Leader of the Opposition (minimum of 10 Councillors) (25% of Leader’s Allowance) £5,831;

  Group Leader (minimum of 5 Councillors) (10% of Leader’s Allowance) £2,331.