Issue - meetings

Case for a new Economic Development Team Structure

Meeting: 28/06/2013 - Cabinet. (Item 42)

42 Economic Development Team Structure pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the proposals set out in the Exempt Appendix to the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities, subject to consultation with staff and the trade unions.


2.  That delegated authority to make changes to the proposals following the staff consultation, be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Head of Human Resources and the Leader of the Council.


3.  That the growth in base budget for the additional posts, on a phased basis during the period 2013/14 to 2015/16, with the use of growth point revenue grant to cover the gap in the base budget to 2015/16 be agreed.





1.  That the proposals set out in the Exempt Appendix to the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities, subject to consultation with staff and the trade unions.


2.  That delegated authority to make changes to the proposals following the staff consultation, be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Head of Human Resources and the Leader of the Council.


3.  That the growth in base budget for the additional posts, on a phased basis during the period 2013/14 to 2015/16, with the use of growth point revenue grant to cover the gap in the base budget to 2015/16 be agreed.


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