Issue - meetings

Community Safety (Barriers and Perspectives)

Meeting: 18/03/2014 - West Kent CCG Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 Community Safety (Barriers and Perspectives) pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Item deferred from January meeting.



Chief Inspector Simon Wilson introduced a briefing paper outlining the activities of the four Community Safety Partnerships in the West Kent CCG area in relation to substance and alcohol misuse which is associated with a wide range of criminal and anti-social behaviour.  He said that, as an example, up to 20,000 people come into Maidstone on a Saturday night and they are vulnerable to harm or causing harm due to drug or alcohol misuse.  It is necessary to educate people to make informed choices.


Members of the Board commented that:


·  There is a need to include clinicians on Community Safety Partnership Boards.


·  There is a need for a proactive and co-ordinated approach to prevention and education to avoid duplication of effort and resources.  This should include intelligence sharing and targeted work.


·  Could consideration be given to linking co-ordinated outreach work to late night levies?


In response to a question by the Chairman, William Benson agreed to follow up the possibility of alcohol related hospital admissions being coded as a trial exercise.  It was noted that at present, unless a patient stays for more than four hours they are not recorded.  The data could be used to quantify costs and inform decision making on preventative measures.


RESOLVED:  That the position be noted.