Issue - meetings

Waste Update

Meeting: 11/03/2014 - Community, Leisure Services and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 109)

109 Waste Update pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Interviews with Councillor Marion Ring, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Jennifer Shepherd, Waste and Street Scene Manager, Environmental Services.




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The Chairman welcomed Councillor Ring, Cabinet Member for Environment and Jennifer Shepherd, Waste and Street Scene Manager to the meeting.


Mrs Shepherd gave the committee an update on the new waste collection contract and reported real improvements in performance.


Successes include:


·  Waste collections in Maidstone returned to very good levels after a difficult start after the changes in collections;

·  Complaints were down to a lower level than before the change in contract

·  Reduction in total waste arisings of 11.76% - the target set was 10%

·  50% recycling target – with the inclusion of glass and some plastics and the expected increase in garden waste between March and July it was expected the Council ouldl achieve this target.

·  The uptake in kitchen waste had reduced from 80% to 60% and this was believed to be as a result of residents being more aware of the food they threw away

·  Food waste – ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ campaign event on 15 March on Jubilee Square, Maidstone. 


Mrs Shepherd explained where the Council could go from here.


Increase the recycling target to 60% and reduce the % of waste arisings.  Mrs Shepherd suggested this could be achieved by:


·  Reducing the number of collections – to encourage recycling

·  Recycle street waste

·  Sorting sweep arisings

·  Increase the use of the bulky waste service and sort and recyle collections.


During lengthy discussion and questioning the Committee raised the following concerns and comments:


·  Fly tipping – occurred mainly where the bulky collections were made and was mostly made up of commercial waste as businesses were not able to take their waste to the Tovil Household Waste and Recycling Centre provided by Kent County Council;


·  The cost of the food waste caddy liners – the Committee agreed other alternative methods could be used.  Mrs Shepherd confirmed the waste event on 15 March was used as an opportunity to ask residents if the liners make a difference.  She also confirmed her team would look at alternative ways of making cost efficiencies;


·  The promotion of composting resulting in increased numbers of rats.  Mrs Shepherd explained advice on composting was offered to residents and there did not appear to be an increase in the number of rats as a result of increased composting;


·  Sharps and clinical waste collection - Councillor Ring explained was carried out on an ad hoc basis. Residents registered with the Council via their doctor.  When they needed a collection they phone the Council and the sharps were collected within 24 hours.


The Committee congratulated Mrs Shepherd and her team on the work carried out and the progress made with waste collection.




1.  That the Committee noted the update provided in the Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan;


2.  That the Committee noted the progress made following the report to the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding complaints following the start of the new contract;


3.  That the Committee noted the progress made regarding the objectives set out in the Council’s  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109