Issue - meetings

Maidstone Borough Local Plan - employment allocations

Meeting: 19/08/2015 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 85)

85 Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Maidstone Borough Local Plan - employment allocations pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the Officer responses to the representations submitted during the public consultation on the draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 for Policy EMP1, set out in Appendix A of the report dated 18 August 2015 be approved.


2.  That the amendments to Policy EMP1 set out in Appendix D be approved for incorporation into the Regulation 19 version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan.


3.  That the site allocation policy and plan for Land at Woodcut Farm set out in Appendices B and C of the report dated 18 August 2015 be approved for Regulation 18 consultation subject to the following additions (in bold text) and deletions (in strike through text):


Design and Layout


1  The proposals create a spacious parkland setting for development through the addition of substantial internal landscaping which will help break up the visual appearance of the development in particular in views from the AONB; buildings will cover not more than 40% of the developed site area


2  The development proposals will respect the topography of the site by minimising the need for site excavation


2 3  Landscape buffers of at least 15m in width are established along the site’s boundaries to M20 and to Musket Lane which will also to help secure the setting to Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II listed) and the amenity of residential properties at Chestnuts and White Heath.  The development will have a landscaped frontage to A20


3 4  An area of 9ha to the north and north west of Woodcut Farm is secured as an undeveloped landscape area including the addition of a landscape buffer of at least 30m along the eastern boundary.  Future management of this area will be secured by means of a legal agreement and maintained in perpetuity


4 5  Larger footprint buildings are accommodated in the field to the east of the stream up to a maximum unit size of 10,000sqm with building ridge heights not to exceed 14m 12m.  Units should be orientated end- on predominant views to and from the AONB


5 6  Development on the field to the west of the stream comprises smaller units with graded building heights that take account of the site’s topography with building heights not exceeding 8m.  the siting, scale and detailed design of development must have regard to Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II) and its setting


Landscape and ecology


6 7  The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) undertaken in accordance with the principles of current guidance.  The assessment will specifically address the impact of development on views to and from the North Downs AONB escarpment.  This will include environmental enhancements of the wider landscape beyond the allocation boundaries using the mechanism of a S106 agreement.


7 8  The development proposals are designed to take account of the results of a phase 1 habitat survey and any species specific surveys that may as a result be necessary, together with an necessary mitigation and significant enhancement  ...  view the full decision text for item 85


The Committee weas reminded of the urgent update of 18 August 2015 which included an email from the Chief Executive of Gallagher Group and the Officers’ response.


The Committee was advised that the report related to land allocations for class B uses such as offices, warehouses and industrial units and included representations to the policy received during Regulation 18 consultation together with suggested responses.  The report focussed mainly on Junction 8 of the M20 as a site to fill the shortfall in the allocation of employment land in the Draft Local Plan, which needed to be underpinned by evidence that the land was the right type and form of land and in the right location.


Junction 8 provided two principal sites, Waterside Park and Woodcut Farm with Woodcut Farm considered to be the better site in terms of size, character and ability to mitigate development.


The Committee heard that by allocating Woodcut Farm as an employment site in the Local Plan it would provide an opportunity to mitigate any adverse impacts of development in this area.


The Committee was informed, even if this area was included in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, it would be an exception site due to the need to meet the employment needs of the Borough.


The Committee discussed concerns of developing employment sites in this area and how any adverse impact could be mitigated through strong policy criteria including undeveloped buffers, minimising excavation on the land, control over heights, size and position of buildings, landscape and visual impact assessments and Section 106 agreements and other legal agreements to ensure the on-going management of landscape buffers.




1.  That the officer responses to the representations submitted during the public consultation on the draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 for Policy EMP1, set out in Appendix A of the report dated 18 August 2015 be approved.


2.  That the amendments to Policy EMP1 set out in Appendix D, be approved for incorporation into the Regulation 19 version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan.


3.  That the site allocation policy and plan for Land at Woodcut Farm set out in Appendices B and C of the report dated 18 August 2015 be approved for Regulation 18 consultation subject to the following additions (in bold text) and deletions (in strike through text):


Design and Layout


1  The proposals create a spacious parkland setting for development through the addition of substantial internal landscaping which will help break up the visual appearance of the development in particular in views from the AONB; buildings will cover not more than 40% of the developed site area


2  The development proposals will respect the topography of the site by minimising the need for site excavation


2 3  Landscape buffers of at least 15m in width are established along the site’s boundaries to M20 and to Musket Lane which will also help secure the setting to Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II listed) and the amenity of residential properties at Chestnuts and White Heath.  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85