Issue - meetings

Landscapes of Local Value

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 103)

103 Landscapes of Local Value pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the Committee’s commitment to an SP5 policy that contains Landscapes of Local Value be noted.


2.  That the amendments to draft policy SP5 and its supporting text set out at Appendix Two to the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development be approved for further public consultation (Regulation 18 consultation) subject to the following further amendments:


Paragraph 5.72 first sentence to read: ‘The foreground of the AONB and the wider setting is taken to include the land which sits at and beyond the foot of the scarp slope of the North Downs and the wider views thereof.’


Paragraph 5.78 to read: ‘The Low Weald covers a significant proportion of the countryside, in the rural southern half of the Borough. The Low Weald is recognised as having distinctive landscape features: the field patterns, many of which are medieval in character, hedgerows, stands of trees, ponds and streams and buildings of character should be protected, maintained and enhanced where appropriate. The necessary protection for the area of the Low Weald outside the boundaries of the rural service centres as defined on the policies map is provided under the criteria of policy SP5.’


Criterion 5 sentence to read: ‘The distinctive character of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and its setting, the setting of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the extent and openness of the Metropolitan Green Belt will be rigorously protected, maintained and enhanced where appropriate;’


Criterion 6 sentence to read: ‘The Greensand Ridge, Medway Valley, Len Valley and Loose Valley, as defined on the policies map, will be protected, maintained and enhanced where appropriate as landscapes of local value;’


3.  That the revised Appendix A Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 Consultation Issues and Responses to Policy SP(6) Landscapes of Local Value as set out in the urgent update be approved.


4.   That the plan attached at Appendix Two to the urgent update report be approved for further public consultation (Regulation 18 consultation).



Steve Clarke, Principle Planning Officer, tabled an update report to that included on the agenda on Landscapes of Local Value (LLV) which presented two amended recommendations.


A Harrietsham resident, Mrs Chinnery, had emailed with regard to this issue but this had been omitted from the papers. Mrs Chinnery, invited to do so by the Chairman, provided a summary of her email to the Committee.


The Committee heard that:


·  The four areas agreed at the previous Committee were the Greensand Ridge, Len Valley, Loose Valley and Medway Valley.


·  The setting of the Kent Area of Natural Beauty (AONB) was not recommended for inclusion as an LLV due to the already present duty to improve the setting and for development to have regard to the effect on the setting.


·  Ashford Borough Council’s proposal not to include LLVs in their local plan impacted on the consideration of the Lenham Vale, as this area would only then be recognised as such on the part within Maidstone BC’s jurisdiction.


·  The Low Weald was not recommended for inclusion as an LLV due to the area not being considered sufficiently distinct from the land to the south, and lacking in specific topographical characteristics.


During discussion the following points were made, among others:


·  The view from the Greensand Ridge, one of the reasons for its consideration as an LLV, was of the Low Weald.


·  The designation special landscape area (SLA) did not prevent development within an area. LLVs likewise did not prevent development but recognised distinctive landscapes which were not otherwise protected.


·  ENV 28 was a strong policy but it could be put to one side where benefits outweighed harm in an application. This created concern that the same could happen to Policy SP5.


·  If policy SP5 was robust then there would be no need for LLVs.


·  Some neighbouring authorities may have felt no need to include LLVs, as areas of their boroughs already fell within AONBs or green belt.


Councillor Willis entered the meeting as a visiting Member at 8.15 p.m.




1.  That the Committee’s commitment to an SP5 policy that contains Landscapes of Local Value be noted.


For – 6  Against – 2    Abstain - 1


2.  That the amendments to draft policy SP5 and its supporting text set out at Appendix Two to the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development be approved for further public consultation (Regulation 18 consultation) subject to the following further amendments:


Paragraph 5.72 first sentence to read: ‘The foreground of the AONB and the wider setting is taken to include the land which sits at and beyond the foot of the scarp slope of the North Downs and the wider views thereof.’


Paragraph 5.78 to read: ‘The Low Weald covers a significant proportion of the countryside, in the rural southern half of the Borough. The Low Weald is recognised as having distinctive landscape features: the field patterns, many of which are medieval in character, hedgerows, stands of trees, ponds and streams and buildings  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103