Agenda and minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone
Contact: Committee Services 01622 602899
Note: If required, an adjourned meeting date of the 27 March 2024 has been set aside for this Cabinet meeting.
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Urgent Items Minutes: The Chairman stated that there were urgent updates to the following:
· Item 18 – Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021 – 38 Adoption; · Item 19 – 3rd Quarter Finance, Performance and Risk Monitoring Report 2023/24; · Item 20 – Key Performance Indicators; · Item 22 – Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 – 2029; and · Item 25 – Demolition Contract – Approval to demolish former Royal Mail sorting office buildings and Cantium House. |
Notification of Visiting Members Minutes: Councillor Coates was present as a Visiting Member for Item 9 – Presentation of Petitions. |
Disclosures by Members or Officers Minutes: There were no disclosures by Members or Officers. |
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: The following Councillors stated that had been lobbied on Item 18 - Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021 – 38 Adoption:
· Councillor Burton · Councillor Cooper · Councillor Garten · Councillor Parfitt-Reid · Councillor Perry · Councillor Russell |
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items be taken in public unless any Cabinet Member wishes to refer specifically to the information contained within:
· Item 26 – Exempt Appendix to Item 24 - Arts Hub & Maker Space; or · Item 27 - Exempt Appendix to Item 25 - Demolition Contract - Approval to demolish Former Royal Mail Sorting Officer Buildings and Cantium House. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 February 2024 PDF 104 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 February 2024 PDF 71 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed. |
Presentation of Petitions Notice has been given pursuant to the Council’s Constitution Part C1, Appendix A, of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:
‘I object to any proposal to develop the former Astor of Hever Farm for housing or development. It should remain as a green space for future community use.’ Minutes: Councillor Coates presented the petition on behalf of Councillor Harper and stated that the Astor of Hever site in the Fant and Oakwood ward by Bower Mount Road, currently owned by Kent County Council (KCC), was not suitable for housing development due to lack of access and impact it would have on local traffic. The petition of local residents found that they did not want development and would like the site kept as a green space, such as a community woodland or orchard. The petition sought to keep this site out of the local plan for development.
RESOLVED: To take the petition under consideration as part of Item 18 - Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021 – 38 Adoption. |
Questions from Local Residents to the Leader or Individual Cabinet Member Minutes: There were none. |
Questions from Members to the Leader or Individual Cabinet Member Minutes: There were none. |
Matters Referred to the Cabinet for Reconsideration Minutes: There were none. |
Issues Arising from Overview and Scrutiny Minutes: There were none. |
Matters Referred to the Cabinet by another Committee Minutes: There were none. |
Any Matter Relating to a Serious Service Failure or Nuisance Minutes: There were none. |
Receipt of Written Representations from Members of the Council Minutes: There were none. |
Cabinet Forward Plan PDF 170 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan be noted. |
Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-38 Adoption PDF 174 KB Additional documents:
The Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review (2021-2038)
at Appendix D to the report of the Cabinet of 19 March 2024, which
incorporates the Inspector’s Main Modifications, and the
Policies Map at Appendix E to the report of the Cabinet of 19 March
2024 be adopted; and 2. Delegated authority be given to the Head of Spatial Planning & Economic Development to make any non-material, typographical corrections, and formatting changes, as required. |
3rd Quarter Finance, Performance and Risk Monitoring Report 2023/24 PDF 276 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
1. The Revenue position as at the end of Quarter 3 for 2023/24, including the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant variances have been identified, be noted; 2. The Capital position at the end of Quarter 3 for 2023/24 be noted; 3. The Performance position as at Quarter 3 for 2023/24, including the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant issues have been identified, be noted; 4. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund update, attached at Appendix 3 to the report, be noted; 5. The Risk Update, attached at Appendix 4 to the report, be noted; 6. The uncollectable Business Rates (NNDR) listed at Appendix 5 to the report be approved for write-off, and; 7. The new contract approval levels shown at Appendix 6 to the report be approved. These changes will then need approval by Democracy and General Purposes Committee before final approval by Council. (See Record of Decision) |
Key Performance Indicators PDF 156 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
The draft Performance Indicators at Appendix A to D
of the report be agreed;
The changes to reporting arrangements be noted,
and; 3. An additional Key Performance Indicator relating to Freedom of Information Requests be added to the Corporate Services draft Performance Indicators.
(See Record of Decision) |
Consideration of Lighting and Greening Initiatives for Maidstone Town Centre PDF 320 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That 1. The programme of works for 2024/5 to bring MBC’s existing lighting infrastructure in the town centre to modern standards and to improve lighting in the town centre as set out section 3 of the report, be approved; 2. The programme of works for 2024/5 to improve greening and the public realm in the town centre as set out in section 4 of the report, be approved; 3. A budget totalling £600,000 for the programme of lighting and greening works as set out in section 5 of the report, be approved; 4. Delegated responsibility for delivering the programme of works and projects be given to the Director of Strategy, Governance and Insight in consultation with the Leader of the Council; and 5.
It be noted that officers will continue to develop a
further programme of work for lighting, greening and open spaces in
the town centre consistent with the relevant strategy and identify
further funding opportunities. (See Record of Decision) |
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 141 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
The new Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy
attached at Appendix B to the report, be adopted; and 2. Authority be delegated to the Head of Housing and Regulatory Services to make any non-material typographical corrections or formatting changes as required to the Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy attached at Appendix B to the report. (See Record of Decision) |
Preventing Financial Exclusion PDF 162 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That
The progress on actions supporting the financial
inclusion as highlighting at paragraph 2.4 and set out in the
Strategy in Appendix 1 of the report be noted; and 2. The refreshed Preventing Financial Exclusion Strategy and action plan in Appendix 1 of the report be agreed, subject to typographical and presentational amendments and updating the ward based statistics to reflect the new wards.
(See Record of Decision) |
Arts Hub & Maker Space PDF 220 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: To approve the creation and trial of a Creative Maker Space and Arts Hub in Granada House in 2024/25 to run for a three year trial period.
(See Record of Decision) |
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
The demolition of the existing buildings at the
Former Royal Mail Sorting Office and Cantium House site, taking note of the contents of
the report and tender information in Appendix 1 to the report, be
approved; 2.
The Director of Finance, Resources and Business
Improvement be given delegated authority to appoint the preferred
demolition contractor to carry out the necessary works as per the
recommended tender price, inclusive of contingency, stated in the
exempt appendix to the report; and 3. The Head of Mid Kent Legal Services, in consultation with the Lead Member, be authorised to negotiate and complete all necessary demolition contracts, deeds and agreements arising from or ancillary to the demolition application.
(See Record of Decision) |
Duration of Meeting Minutes: 6.30 p.m. to 7.45 p.m. |