Recently decided planning applications
This is a list of the planning applications decided in the week beginning 2 December 2024. You can also view a list of the applications received for the same period.
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Decision: No Objections
Application Reference: 24/504691/ADJ
Adjoining Authority Consultation from Tunbridge Wells to Maidstone Borough Council: EIA Scoping Opinion - Development proposals for a mixed-use development of approximately 800 dwellings: with new local centre: safeguarded educational land: sports pitches and gypsy/traveller pitches.
Application Type: ADJ
Status: No Objection
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Richard Timms
Applicant: Marie Bolton
Address: Land To The North West Of Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent
Parish: Paddock Wood
Ward: Paddock Wood
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504140/ADV
Advertisment consent for 2x non-illuminated standing hoarding signs.
Application Type: ADV
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Olga Gardiner
Applicant: S & B Car & Van Hire
Agent: Martin Potts Associates
Address: Forstal Farm Well Street Loose Kent ME15 0QE
Parish: Coxheath
Ward: Coxheath And Farleigh
Decision: Environmental Impact Assessment Not Req.
Application Reference: 24/504342/ENVSCR
EIA Screening Opinion in relation to the installation and operation of ground mounted solar PV energy generation (export capacity of up to 20MW) with all associated works: equipment and infrastructure.
Application Type: ENVSCR
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Sean Scott
Applicant: ILOS Energy UK Ltd
Address: Land West Of Pattenden Lane Marden Kent TN12 9QL
Parish: Marden
Ward: Marden And Yalding
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504250/FULL
Erection of a new three-bay garage.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Ms Angela Welsford
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Benedek
Agent: Country House Homes
Address: Norton Forstal Church Road Chart Sutton Kent ME17 3RE
Parish: Chart Sutton
Ward: Boughton Monchelsea And Chart Sutton
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504166/FULL
Section 73 - Application for Minor Material Amendment to approved plans condition 2 (to allow the dining area to be lowered: addition of porch: balustrades to patios: new patio area: alterations to internal layout and fenestration) pursuant to 22/504715/FULL for Demolition of existing garage and erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking and cycle storage sheds.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Sema Yurtman
Applicant: CC Property & Development
Agent: OSG Architecture Ltd
Address: 130 Boxley Road Maidstone Kent ME14 2AH
Parish: Unparished
Ward: Penenden Heath
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/504086/FULL
Erection of a self-build four-bed home with associated parking and access.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Francis Amekor
Applicant: Gavin Wackett
Agent: Ripley Architecture
Address: Land Off Impton Lane Walderslade Kent
Parish: Boxley
Ward: Boxley Downs
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/503946/FULL
Erection of a side extension with gable end: comprising of entrance porch: internal garage: extended kitchen: living room and loft conversion to habitable space including front and rear dormers. Demolition of existing detached garage & conservatory.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr Jamie Davison
Agent: Mr Nabil Ayoubi
Address: 51 Roseleigh Avenue Maidstone Kent ME16 0AS
Ward: Palace Wood
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/503988/FULL
Change of use of existing grass land to glamping site comprising 6(no) eco-pods with associated parking: access: cycle and bin stores: and landscaping.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Kathryn Altieri
Applicant: Wildwood Ltd
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: Land At Riverdale St Helens Lane West Farleigh Kent ME15 0LB
Parish: West Farleigh
Ward: Coxheath And Farleigh
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/503993/FULL
Change of use of from administrative accommodation ancillary to Kent Police Headquarters to a residential dwelling: with associated access and a parking.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: The Police And Crime Commissioner For Kent
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: 61 Queen Elizabeth Square Maidstone Kent ME15 9DE
Ward: Park Wood And Mangravet
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/503986/FULL
Erection of part two storey: part first floor extension.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Ms Angela Welsford
Applicant: Gary & Lisa Micallef
Agent: Ripley Architecture
Address: Marley Farmhouse Flint Lane Lenham Kent ME17 2EN
Parish: Harrietsham
Ward: Harrietsham
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504458/FULL
Erection of a single storey flat roof rear extension with raised rooflight.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Yuqi Bi
Applicant: Mr Anthony Freeman
Agent: Mr Ronald Deadman
Address: 19 Sycamore Crescent Maidstone Kent ME16 0AQ
Ward: Palace Wood
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/503212/FULL
Retrospective application for the change of use of agricultural buildings to Use Class B2 (general industrial): B8 (storage or distribution) and F1 (learning and non-residential institutions) along with the addition of an area of hardstanding.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: William Fletcher
Applicant: Mr Paul Burden
Agent: Hobbs Parker
Address: Friningham Farm Friningham Detling Kent ME14 3JD
Parish: Thurnham
Ward: Boxley Downs
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/504163/FULL
Erection of one detached: single-storey outbuilding and associated landscaping.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Olga Gardiner
Applicant: Benedict Nielsen
Agent: Tuckey Design Studio
Address: Church Manor 3 Church Green Upper Street Hollingbourne Kent ME17 1HW
Parish: Hollingbourne
Ward: Harrietsham
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504414/FULL
Demolition of existing garage and construction of replacement garage/store and home office with associated retaining walls and patio with garden steps.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Yuqi Bi
Applicant: Mr Adam Cooke
Agent: John Childs Architectural Design
Address: 8 Hazel Avenue Maidstone Kent ME16 0BA
Ward: Palace Wood
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Application Reference: 24/504333/FULL
Construction of a link between dwelling and barn and conversion of barn to provide residential accommodation. Alterations to fenestration of the main dwelling.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Withdrawn by Applicant
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Olga Gardiner
Applicant: Ms Tamsin Webster
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: Rabbit Farmhouse Goudhurst Road Staplehurst Kent TN12 0HQ
Parish: Staplehurst
Ward: Staplehurst
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/503758/FULL
Demolition of 9 stables: removal of lorry bodies and change of use of land from paddock to residential and wildflower meadow to allow siting of 1(no) caravan with associated access and parking (revision to 22/501972/FULL and APP/U2235/W/22/3311667).
Application Type: FULL
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Kathryn Altieri
Applicant: Mr K Still
Agent: PROwe Planning Solutions
Address: Still Acres Touring And Camping Park Longend Lane Marden Kent TN12 9SE
Parish: Collier Street
Ward: Marden And Yalding
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/503990/FULL
Change of use of from office to residential.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: The Police And Crime Commissioner For Kent
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: 1 Queen Elizabeth Square Maidstone Kent ME15 9DE
Ward: Park Wood And Mangravet
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/503991/FULL
Change of use of from office to a residential dwelling with associated access and parking.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: The Police And Crime Commissioner For Kent
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: 2 Queen Elizabeth Square Maidstone Kent ME15 9DE
Ward: Park Wood And Mangravet
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504090/FULL
Single storey rear extension and single storey side extension to detached garage to form carport.
Application Type: FULL
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr P Jennings
Agent: Building Design Studio
Address: 9 Woodford Park Staplehurst Kent TN12 0FX
Parish: Staplehurst
Ward: Staplehurst
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Application Reference: 24/503973/LAWPRO
Lawful Development Certificate for proposed change of use of existing site to a car wash including proposed new drainage services: canopy: equipment storage: 3no. ev charging points and oil tank to be installed on site.
Application Type: LAWPRO
Status: Withdrawn by Applicant
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Sam Cowdry
Applicant: Mr Parm Rathore
Agent: Mr Reece Oliver
Address: Land Adjacent To 10 Sittingbourne Road Maidstone Kent ME14 5LW
Ward: Grove Green And Vinters Park
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504132/LAWPRO
Lawful Development Certificate for proposed change of use from a dwellinghouse (Class C3) to a 6-bedroom HMO (Class C4).
Application Type: LAWPRO
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Sam Cowdry
Applicant: Mr Scott Nickless
Agent: Town Planning Expert
Address: 27 Charles Street Maidstone Kent ME16 8ET
Ward: Fant And Oakwood
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/504434/LAWPRO
Lawful Development Certificate for proposed infill rear extension and loft conversion with insertion of 2no. dormers to the rear and side elevation & 2no. rooflight windows to the front elevation.
Application Type: LAWPRO
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Yuqi Bi
Applicant: Herko Ltd
Address: 163 Milton Street Maidstone Kent ME16 8LL
Ward: Fant And Oakwood
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Application Reference: 24/504334/LBC
Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations to existing barn: together with a new link extension to main dwelling to create additional living accommodation.
Application Type: LBC
Status: Withdrawn by Applicant
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Olga Gardiner
Applicant: Ms Tamsin Webster
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: Rabbit Farmhouse Goudhurst Road Staplehurst Kent TN12 0HQ
Parish: Staplehurst
Ward: Staplehurst
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Application Reference: 24/504502/LBC
Listed building consent for internal and external works to facilitate conversion of main (2/3-storey) building to 14(no) self-contained flats: including fenestration alterations: and conversion of outbuildings to 2(no) dwellings including fenestration alterations and alterations to roof of existing storage building and rearrangement of parking area and associated works (Completed) (Resubmission 23/503160/LBC).
Application Type: LBC
Status: Withdrawn by Applicant
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Kathryn Altieri
Applicant: Heritage Designer Homes
Agent: Boyer
Address: 81 London Road Maidstone Kent ME16 0DU
Ward: Palace Wood
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/504354/LBC
Listed Building Consent for replacement of all doors: windows and front fascia: installation of a new down pipe: removal of existing antennas and old ventilation: and installation of new fireproof staircase enclosure walls
Application Type: LBC
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Sema Yurtman
Applicant: Larry Su
Address: 141 Upper Stone Street Maidstone Kent ME15 6HJ
Parish: Unparished
Ward: High Street
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504174/LDCEX
Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) For non-compliance with Agricultural Occupancy Condition (iv) of MA/77/956 on the basis that the condition has not been complied with for in excess of the previous ten years.
Application Type: LDCEX
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: William Fletcher
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Gilbert
Agent: Lambert & Foster (Bloomfields) Ltd
Address: Burford Lodge Redwall Lane Linton Kent ME15 0RH
Parish: Hunton
Ward: Marden And Yalding
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504142/LDCEX
Lawful Development Certificate for existing use of the dwellinghouse as a holiday let.
Application Type: LDCEX
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: Mrs Sid
Agent: SJM Planning Limited
Address: 13 The Mallows Maidstone Kent ME14 2PX
Ward: Ringlestone
Decision: Prior Approval Granted
Application Reference: 24/504177/PNQCLA
Prior notification for the change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from agricultural to 1no. dwellinghouse and associated operational development. For its prior approval to: - Transport and Highways impacts of the development. - Noise impacts of the development. - Contamination risks on the site.- Flooding risks on the site. - Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the use of the building to change from agricultural use to C3 (dwellinghouses). - Design and external appearance impacts on the building. - Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the dwellinghouses.
Application Type: PNQCLA
Status: Prior Approval Granted
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: William Fletcher
Applicant: Angela Burglass
Agent: MSD Architects
Address: Grene Trest Goudhurst Road Marden Kent TN12 9NG
Parish: Marden
Ward: Marden And Yalding
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504204/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 - Biodiversity enhancements of application 24/502898/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 03/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Branch
Agent: Blackrock Architecture Ltd.
Address: 23 Cavendish Way Bearsted Kent ME15 8PN
Parish: Bearsted
Ward: Bearsted And Downswood
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504279/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 - Ecology Enhancement: Subject to 24/501643/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr Harry Pippard
Address: 19 St Luke's Road Maidstone Kent ME14 5AS
Parish: Unparished
Ward: Penenden Heath
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504618/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 (enhancement of ecology) subject to 24/502931/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Joanna Woods
Applicant: Miss Ramona Craciun
Address: 26 Silver Tree Close Boxley Kent ME5 9ST
Parish: Boxley
Ward: Boxley Downs
Decision: Split - Part Allowed/Part Refused
Application Reference: 24/503669/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 7(a) Site development scheme: (i) biodiversity enhancement: (ii) landscaping scheme: (iii) sewage disposal method: (iv) details of external lighting: (v) timetable of 24/502380/FULL.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Part Permitted Part Refused
Decision Date: 03/12/2024
Officer: Rachael Elliott
Applicant: S & B Car & Van Hire
Agent: Martin Potts Associates
Address: Plot 5 Forstal Farm Barn Forstal Lane Coxheath Kent ME15 0QE
Parish: Coxheath
Ward: Coxheath And Farleigh
Decision: Split - Part Allowed/Part Refused
Application Reference: 24/504215/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to Condition 11 (Details of acoustic fencing):Condition 14 (Community Use Agreement) subject to 22/503920/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Part Permitted Part Refused
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Sema Yurtman
Applicant: Mr Joseph Sutton
Agent: Surfacing Standards Limited
Address: Cornwallis Secondary School Hubbards Lane Boughton Monchelsea Kent ME17 4HX
Parish: Loose
Ward: Loose And Linton
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504123/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to conditions 4 (arboricultural method statement): and 5 (replacement trees): subject to application 23/504640/FULL.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Sema Yurtman
Applicant: Maidstone Borough Council
Agent: Andrew Wells Planning & Design
Address: Mote Park Kiosk Mote Road Maidstone Kent ME15 8NQ
Ward: Shepway
Decision: Application Refused
Application Reference: 24/503800/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 - Surface Water Drainage Strategy: Subject to 19/503995/EIFUL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Refused
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Marion Geary
Applicant: Vistry Homes - Countryside Properties
Agent: Ashby Design
Address: Land At Old Ham Lane Lenham Maidstone Kent
Parish: Lenham
Ward: Harrietsham
Decision: Split - Part Allowed/Part Refused
Application Reference: 24/503583/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to conditions 2 (material sample): 3 (details of materials-re-use of existing brick only): 4 (joinery details): 5 (external steps): and 6 (details of fence or gate): subject to application 24/500206/LBC.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Part Permitted Part Refused
Decision Date: 03/12/2024
Officer: Rachael Elliott
Applicant: Mr Cheeseman
Agent: Felix Lewis Architects Ltd
Address: Weald Barn House Wierton Hill Boughton Monchelsea Maidstone Kent ME17 4JS
Parish: Boughton Monchelsea
Ward: Boughton Monchelsea And Chart Sutton
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504172/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 10 (earthworks and proposed site levels) subject to application 19/503995/EIFUL.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Marion Geary
Applicant: Vistry Homes - Countryside Properties
Agent: Ashby Design Ltd
Address: Land At Old Ham Lane Lenham Maidstone Kent
Parish: Lenham
Ward: Harrietsham
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/502979/SUB
Submission of details to discharge condition 9 (acoustic fencing details) of planning application 20/502770/FULL.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Sean Scott
Applicant: KG Property LTD
Address: Holman House Station Road Staplehurst Kent TN12 0QQ
Parish: Staplehurst
Ward: Staplehurst
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504111/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 14 - Surface Water Drainage: Subject to 24/502642/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: Mr Robert Schroeder
Agent: DHA Planning
Address: Loxley House Gravelly Bottom Road Kingswood Kent ME17 3NT
Parish: Broomfield And Kingswood
Ward: Leeds And Langley
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504125/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to Condition 4 - Biodiversity Enhancements of application 24/502936/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 03/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Parkes
Agent: MRW Design
Address: 29 Church Street Boughton Monchelsea Kent ME17 4HW
Parish: Boughton Monchelsea
Ward: Boughton Monchelsea And Chart Sutton
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504146/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 8 (energy sources) of application 22/504116/FULL.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr S Roche
Agent: Cadscapes Ltd
Address: 95 Sutton Road Maidstone Kent ME15 9AD
Parish: Unparished
Ward: Shepway
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/503919/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 - Detail of no-dig surfacing Subject to 23/505297/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 02/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: Mr Martin Hallford
Agent: Portico
Address: 2 Rosemount Gardens Weavering Kent ME14 4FL
Parish: Boxley
Ward: Grove Green And Vinters Park
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504419/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 (enhancement of ecology) Subject to 24/502752/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Ping Tye
Applicant: Mr Samuel Amadi
Agent: Wodu Architects
Address: 157 Plains Avenue Maidstone Kent ME15 7AX
Ward: Shepway
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504104/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (scheme of lighting) subject to application 23/500114/ADV.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 04/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: .
Agent: Wildstone Estates Limited
Address: Car Park Adjacent To 122 Upper Stone Street Maidstone Kent ME15 6HD
Parish: Unparished
Ward: High Street
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/503230/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to conditions 4 (renewable energy): 5 (external materials): 6 (landscaping scheme): 7 (ecology details) and 10 (external lighting) subject to 24/501590/FULL.
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Gautham Jayakumar
Applicant: Genco Land & Properties Ltd
Agent: Ropergate Architecture Ltd
Address: Woodside Firs Lane Hollingbourne Kent ME17 1XJ
Parish: Hollingbourne
Ward: Harrietsham
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504170/SUB
Submission of details pursuant to conditions 4 - Ventilation and 5 - Landscaping: Subject to 24/502760/FULL
Application Type: SUB
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Yuqi Bi
Applicant: GPML Construction Ltd.
Agent: Kirby Cove Architects
Address: Land At Wharf Road Tovil Kent
Parish: Tovil
Ward: Tovil
Decision: No Objections
Application Reference: 24/504487/TCA
Conservation area notification: G1 - Sycamores that are self sown growing in the front boundary hedge to be removed and poisoned before becoming to big as they are not suitable trees for the location. T1 - Pine tree to be section dismantled to ground level due to outgrowing its location.
Application Type: TCA
Status: No Objection
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)
Applicant: JO
Agent: Green Growth
Address: 18 Knightrider Street Maidstone Kent ME15 6LU
Parish: Unparished
Ward: High Street
Decision: No Objections
Application Reference: 24/504426/TCA
Conservation area notification: T1 - Fell to ground level dead tree residing under Redwood. T2 - Crown raise Coast Redwood to 10m to clear structure roof.
Application Type: TCA
Status: No Objection
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)
Applicant: Mr Barry Clarke
Agent: Hood's Tree Services Ltd.
Address: Olde Hill House Old Loose Hill Loose Kent ME15 0BN
Parish: Loose
Ward: Loose And Linton
Decision: No Objections
Application Reference: 24/504492/TCA
Conservation area notification: Pollarding of the 24 lime trees on the premises which need pollarding every second year to prevent excessive growth and dropping of leaves on pedestrian footpaths.
Application Type: TCA
Status: No Objection
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)
Applicant: Union Street Methodist Church
Address: Methodist Church Community Centre Brewer Street Maidstone Kent ME14 1RU
Parish: Unparished
Ward: High Street
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504222/TPOA
Tree Preservation Order Application: T3 Yew - Prune by 1m on the south and north sides and lift to 3m from ground. T4/5 Lime: Lift by 4m and thin by 20% to give clearance of properties.
Application Type: TPOA
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)
Applicant: Omnicroft Ltd.
Agent: Qualitree Services
Address: Thurnham House Angelica Square Maidstone Kent ME16 0FY
Parish: Unparished
Ward: Barming Heath And Teston
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504195/TPOA
TPO application to reduce one Cherry (T1) to a height of 10m and 4m spread. Reduce one Hornbeam (T2) to a height of 10m and 4m spread. Reduce one Oak (T3) to a height of 13m and 4m spread and removal of one low brance over garden.
Application Type: TPOA
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 05/12/2024
Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)
Applicant: Mrs Barbara Smith
Agent: AP Trees (Kent) Ltd
Address: 1 Olivine Close Walderslade Kent ME5 9NQ
Parish: Boxley
Ward: Boxley Downs
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504448/TPOA
TPO application to crown lift one Cypress (T1) to 6m and reduce height to 10m.
Application Type: TPOA
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Lewis Bedwell
Applicant: Mrs Harriet Lyon
Agent: Day Tree Fellers
Address: Dalbury The Priory East Farleigh Kent ME15 0EX
Parish: East Farleigh
Ward: Coxheath And Farleigh
Decision: Application Permitted
Application Reference: 24/504348/TPOA
TPO Application to crown reduction of 1x Ash tree currently 60ft: proposed dimensions 50ft H and 25ft W: 3x Field Maples to be cut back to fence line and reduced to height of 25ft and 3 to be pollarded to 25ft. 1x Cobnut tree to be cut back to fence and 2x Cobnut to be pollarded to height of 25ft. 2nd ash Tree reduced in height and width by 30% currently 55ft proposed 30ft. All reductions to provide sufficient clearance to the fence boundary and property providing more light to the property and garden.
Application Type: TPOA
Status: Approved
Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Officer: Lewis Bedwell
Applicant: Mrs Sarahjane Pitt
Address: 15 Bournewood Close Downswood Kent ME15 8TJ
Parish: Downswood
Ward: Bearsted And Downswood
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