Recently received planning applications

This is a list of the planning applications received and validated in the week beginning 4 November 2024. You can also view a list of the applications decided for the same period.

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Application Reference: 24/504691/ADJ

Adjoining Authority Consultation from Tunbridge Wells to Maidstone Borough Council: EIA Scoping Opinion - Development proposals for a mixed-use development of approximately 800 dwellings: with new local centre: safeguarded educational land: sports pitches and gypsy/traveller pitches.

Application Type: ADJ

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Marie Bolton


Address: Land To The North West Of Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent

Parish: Paddock Wood

Ward: Paddock Wood

Application Reference: 24/504493/FULL

Erection of a pitched roof to existing block of flats 1-16.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Gautham Jayakumar

Applicant: Golding Homes Ltd

Agent: Planning Potential Ltd.

Address: Grange House Fernhill Road Maidstone Kent ME16 9BN


Ward: Fant And Oakwood

Application Reference: 24/504650/FULL

Section 73 Application to amend condition 3 (to increase the internal floor areas of the apartment block housing plots 1A & B and 2A & B and provide a communal garden) ) pursuant to 20//502081/REM for Amended Reserved Matters of access: appearance: layout and scale of Phase 2 ( plots 1A: 1B: 2A: 2B and 3-21 (incl) consisting of 23 dwellings following 17/504144/OUT - for redevelopment with up to 65 dwellings and associated vehicular and pedestrian access: car and cycle parking: street and external lighting: main services: bin stores and other ancillary development (resubmission of 19/504522/REM).

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Marion Geary

Applicant: Maidstone Borough Council

Agent: Andrew Wells Planning & Design

Address: 5 Tonbridge Road Maidstone Kent ME16 8RL

Parish: Unparished

Ward: Fant And Oakwood

Application Reference: 24/504302/FULL

Removal of existing jet wash and erection of four new jet washes: one plant room: valeting bay with associated works and landscaping.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sam Cowdry

Applicant: Motor Fuel Group

Agent: CarneySweeney

Address: Maidstone Service Station St Saviours Road Maidstone Kent ME15 9FL


Ward: Park Wood And Mangravet

Application Reference: 24/504153/FULL

Erection of a single storey extension to 2no. existing agricultural worker accommodation units: together with a change of use of land to additional garden amenity: parking including EV charging points and erection of timber post and rail fence. Removal of static caravan

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Francis Amekor

Applicant: Mr C Baxter

Agent: Country House Homes Ltd

Address: Old Savage Farm East Street Hunton Kent ME15 0QY

Parish: Hunton

Ward: Marden And Yalding

Application Reference: 24/504651/FULL

Section 73 Application to amend approved plans condition 3 (to increase the internal floor areas of the apartment block housing plots 1A & B and 2A & B and to provide a communal garden and substitute 5 perpendicular parking spaces: to the west of the apartment block: for 2 parallel spaces to provide additional public: green amenity land) pursuant to 20//502081/REM for Amended Reserved Matters of access: appearance: layout and scale of Phase 2 ( plots 1A: 1B: 2A: 2B and 3-21 (incl) consisting of 23 dwellings following 17/504144/OUT - for redevelopment with up to 65 dwellings and associated vehicular and pedestrian access: car and cycle parking: street and external lighting: main services: bin stores and other ancillary development (resubmission of 19/504522/REM).

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Marion Geary

Applicant: Maidstone Borough Council

Agent: Andrew Wells Planning & Design

Address: 5 Tonbridge Road Maidstone Kent ME16 8RL

Parish: Unparished

Ward: Fant And Oakwood

Application Reference: 24/504108/FULL

Change of use of agricultural building to a light industrial building (Class E) including alterations to fenestration.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Francis Amekor

Applicant: Mr W Thompson

Agent: Kent Design Studio Ltd

Address: Brattle Farm Five Oak Lane Staplehurst Kent TN12 0HE

Parish: Staplehurst

Ward: Staplehurst

Application Reference: 24/504675/FULL

Replacement of existing rear UPVC windows and one side UPVC window to timber frame. Installation of 2no. Air Conditioning Units and extractor flue. (Part Retrospective)

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr Zulfu Boyraci

Agent: AK-Studios

Address: 16 Gabriels Hill Maidstone Kent ME15 6JG


Ward: High Street

Application Reference: 24/504670/FULL

Installation of Inpost Locker to south side elevation (retrospective).

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr Dan Mahendran

Agent: Rory Newell Chartered Architect

Address: The George Benover Road Yalding Kent ME18 6EJ

Parish: Yalding

Ward: Marden And Yalding

Application Reference: 24/504278/FULL

Erection of two storey rear extension. Loft conversion to habitable space with rear dormer and raised gables with rooflights to front. Pitched roof to existing garage.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 06/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Ms Angela Welsford

Applicant: Mr/Mrs W Aston

Agent: RojoDesign&Development

Address: 2 Caring Lane Bearsted Kent ME14 4NJ

Parish: Thurnham

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504619/FULL

Section 73 Application for Variation of Condition 2 (to allow a new location and layout) and removal of Condition 5 (soft landscaping) pursuant to 22/502396/FULL for Creation of a sand school horse training area for private use.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Gautham Jayakumar

Applicant: Mrs Julia Stamp

Agent: RDA Consulting Architects

Address: Hillcroft Ulcombe Hill Ulcombe Kent ME17 1DJ

Parish: Ulcombe

Ward: Headcorn And Sutton Valence

Application Reference: 24/504468/LAWPRO

Lawful Development Certificate for proposed loft conversion with a hip to gable extension 2no. rooflights to front and rear flat roof dormer. Changes to fenestration.

Application Type: LAWPRO

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Whyni Francisco Luis

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Karassellos

Agent: MRW Design

Address: 3 Heathside Avenue Coxheath Kent ME17 4PZ

Parish: Coxheath

Ward: Coxheath And Farleigh

Application Reference: 24/504637/LAWPRO

Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey side extension.

Application Type: LAWPRO

Date Validated: 06/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr Daniel Wood


Address: Bramleys Marden Road Staplehurst Kent TN12 0PE

Parish: Staplehurst

Ward: Staplehurst

Application Reference: 24/504627/LAWPRO

Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of garden room.

Application Type: LAWPRO

Date Validated: 06/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mrs M Ellis

Agent: Building Design Studio

Address: 13 Manor Close Bearsted Kent ME14 4BY

Parish: Bearsted

Ward: Bearsted And Downswood

Application Reference: 24/504507/LBC

Listed Building Consent to replace one small draughty oak external door to rear 'lean-to' with a double glazed oak framed and sill door.

Application Type: LBC

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mrs Fiona Dennington

Agent: Graham Morgan

Address: Ye Old Cottage Green Lane Langley Kent ME17 3JW

Parish: Langley

Ward: Leeds And Langley

Application Reference: 24/504639/LDCEX

Lawful Development Certificate for existing use as an Equestrian - Keeping of horses on the land for private use.

Application Type: LDCEX

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sema Yurtman

Applicant: Mrs Julia Stamp

Agent: RDA Consulting Architects

Address: Apple Trees Ulcombe Hill Ulcombe Kent ME17 1DJ

Parish: Ulcombe

Ward: Headcorn And Sutton Valence

Application Reference: 24/504631/NMAMD

Non Material Amendment to 23/501361/FULL: Section 73 - Application for minor material amendment to approved plans condition 2 (to allow installation of photovoltaic panels on the buildings within Phase 2) pursuant to 19/506387/FULL for - Erection of 44no. Assisted Living Units (Class C2) with associated parking and landscaping (Amendment to outline permission MA/12/2046 and Reserved Matters consent MA/17/501933/REM). - Minor amendments to conditions 6: 12 and 14 wording.

Application Type: NMAMD

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Marion Geary

Applicant: Senior Living (Ledian Farm) Ltd.

Agent: DHA Planning

Address: Ledian Farm Upper Street Leeds Kent ME17 1RZ

Parish: Leeds

Ward: Leeds And Langley

Application Reference: 24/504663/NMAMD

Non Material Amendment to MA/90/0631: Erection of 2 storey house and garage to serve an agricultural holding as validated by forms received 28 June 1990 and further amended and validated by letter and plans received 13 November 1990. - Remove reference to 'agricultural holding' in the description of the development permitted in 1991 under reference MA/90/0631 so that a S73 application can be made to remove condition vi of permission ref MA/90/0631 being occupancy of dwelling being limited to persons employed or last employed in agriculture

Application Type: NMAMD

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Former G & S Smallholdings

Agent: Yandle Associates Ltd.

Address: G And S Smallholdings Wheelers Lane Linton Kent ME17 4BN

Parish: Linton

Ward: Loose And Linton

Application Reference: 24/504618/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 (enhancement of ecology) subject to 24/502931/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Joanna Woods

Applicant: Miss Ramona Craciun


Address: 26 Silver Tree Close Boxley Kent ME5 9ST

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504595/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 21 (Planting of Street Trees) and 22 (Internal Noise Levels): subject to application 22/504692/HYBRID.

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Richard Timms

Applicant: Fernham Homes Operations Limited


Address: Haven Farm House Annexe North Street Sutton Valence Kent ME17 3HS

Parish: Sutton Valence

Ward: Headcorn And Sutton Valence

Application Reference: 24/504594/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 4- (environment management plan) :5- (Biodiversity Enhancement Plan) subject to 24/502697/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Joanna Woods

Applicant: Kier Construction

Agent: GBS Architects

Address: Hm Prison East Sutton Park Sutton Valence Kent ME17 3DF

Parish: East Sutton

Ward: Headcorn And Sutton Valence

Application Reference: 24/504657/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 14 (drainage scheme) subject to application 20/503055/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Marion Geary

Applicant: Vistry Group And L&G Affordable Homes

Agent: Boyer Planning

Address: Land Off Farleigh Hill Tovil Kent

Parish: Tovil

Ward: Tovil

Application Reference: 24/504681/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to conditions 2 - Biodiversity: 3 - E-charging points and 5 - Landscaping Scheme: Subject to 23/504831/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 06/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Ms Angela Welsford

Applicant: Antonia Vanbergen


Address: Finchley Park Emmet Hill Lane Laddingford Kent ME18 6BG

Parish: Yalding

Ward: Marden And Yalding

Application Reference: 24/504653/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (ecological enhancement): subject to application 24/502065/FULL.

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr Terry Ireland

Agent: Mr neil warren

Address: Dunrovin 17 Charlesford Avenue Kingswood Kent ME17 3PE

Parish: Broomfield And Kingswood

Ward: Leeds And Langley

Application Reference: 24/504652/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to conditions 10 (external materials): 11 (hard surface materials): 12 (kentish ragstone sample): 13 (external utility pipes and paraphernalia) and 14 (energy sources) subject to application 23/503252/FULL.

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Genco Land and Properties Ltd

Agent: Level Architecture

Address: Salts Farm Salts Lane Loose Kent ME15 0BD

Parish: Loose

Ward: Loose And Linton

Application Reference: 24/504608/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 7 (Site Development Scheme) subject to application 20/503041/FULL.

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Ping Tye

Applicant: Mr James Smith

Agent: Martin Potts Associates

Address: Grace Meadow Caravan Love Lane Headcorn Ashford Kent TN27 9HL

Parish: Headcorn

Ward: Headcorn And Sutton Valence

Application Reference: 24/504635/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to conditions 7 (Landscape scheme) and 13 (renewable or low-carbon sources of energy) subject to application 24/500002/FULL.

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 06/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Gautham Jayakumar

Applicant: Cutbush & Corrall Charity

Agent: Clague LLP

Address: 7 -10 College Walk Maidstone Kent ME15 6PA

Parish: Unparished

Ward: High Street

Application Reference: 24/504706/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (materials) : 6 (construction details) and 11 (cowls) subject to 23/501879/LBC

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 07/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: The Society For The Protection Of Ancient Buildings

Agent: Malcolm Fryer Architects

Address: St Andrews Chapel Boarley Lane Sandling Kent ME14 3BU

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504590/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 5- (enhancement of biodiversity) subject to 24/502568/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 04/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Yuqi Bi

Applicant: Mrs Pamela Dearsley

Agent: Tangram Planning

Address: Fairbourne Manor Fairbourne Lane Harrietsham Kent ME17 1LN

Parish: Harrietsham

Ward: Harrietsham

Application Reference: 24/504677/TCA

Conservation area notification: T1 Ash - Reduction of the northern crown: current crown spread of 6m: proposed crown spread of 4m. T2 Ash - Fell to ground level. T3 Ash - Reduction of the northern crown: current crown spread of 8m: proposed crown spread of 4m. T4 Sycamore - Reduction of the northern crown: current crown spread of 8m: proposed crown spread of 4m.

Application Type: TCA

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)

Applicant: David Beckett

Agent: Hood's Tree Services Ltd.

Address: 21 Copper Tree Court Loose Kent ME15 9RW

Parish: Loose

Ward: Loose And Linton

Application Reference: 24/504570/TPOA

TPO application to fell one Birch (T1) to ground level; Crown reduce one Birch (T2) leaving a retained height of 9m: retained lateral spread of 3m; Crown reduce two Hornbeams (T3-T4) to height of 12m: radial spread of 3m.

Application Type: TPOA

Date Validated: 05/11/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr James Budd

Agent: Lordswood Tree Care Ltd

Address: 2 The Covert Boxley Kent ME5 9JJ

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Boxley Downs

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