Recently received planning applications

This is a list of the planning applications received and validated in the week beginning 2 December 2024. You can also view a list of the applications decided for the same period.

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Application Reference: 24/504634/ADV

Advertisement Consent for 1 x non illuminated fascia sign.

Application Type: ADV

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Whyni Francisco Luis

Applicant: Funeral Partners Ltd


Address: Doves Funerals Ltd Maxted House High Street Staplehurst Kent TN12 0AH

Parish: Staplehurst

Ward: Staplehurst

Application Reference: 24/504178/FULL

Erection of 2no. three bedroom detached dwellings: with associated access: parking and rear gardens.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Francis Amekor

Applicant: Mrs Kate Minett

Agent: We Are _

Address: Fishers Farm House Fishers Road Staplehurst Kent TN12 0DD

Parish: Staplehurst

Ward: Staplehurst

Application Reference: 24/505041/FULL

Erection of a single storey extension to WC building within the churchyard.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Gautham Jayakumar

Applicant: St Peters Church PCC

Agent: D.C. Hudson & Partner LLP

Address: St Peters Church Hurstwood Road Bredhurst Kent ME7 3LA

Parish: Bredhurst

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504982/FULL

Erection of extension to existing barn.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: William Fletcher

Applicant: Mark Essex

Agent: Architechnology.Design

Address: Cobtree Young Farmers Club Kent Life Lock Lane Sandling Kent ME14 3AU

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504729/FULL

Demolition of conservatory and erection of a single story rear extension.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Olga Gardiner

Applicant: Mr Thomas Aslett


Address: Adarth Tyland Lane Sandling Kent ME14 3BL

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504999/FULL

Erection of a two storey rear extension

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Louise Welsford

Applicant: Mr And Mrs D&N Russell

Agent: DC Hudson And Partners LLP

Address: 27 Banky Meadow Maidstone Kent ME16 9LA

Parish: Barming

Ward: Barming Heath And Teston

Application Reference: 24/504896/FULL

Demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary domestic outbuildings. Erection of replacement self-build dwelling with associated driveway and 4(no) parking bays.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Kathryn Altieri

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Catt

Agent: DHA Planning

Address: Spring Farm East Hall Hill Boughton Monchelsea Kent ME17 4JX

Parish: Boughton Monchelsea

Ward: Boughton Monchelsea And Chart Sutton

Application Reference: 24/504988/FULL

Erection of a single storey side extension including 3no. rooflights.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Gatward

Agent: Kent Design Studio Limited

Address: 11 Mercer Way Chart Sutton Maidstone ME17 3RH

Parish: Chart Sutton

Ward: Boughton Monchelsea And Chart Sutton

Application Reference: 24/505023/FULL

Section 73 Application for Removal of condition vi (occupancy of dwelling being limited to persons employed or last employed in agriculture) pursuant to application MA/90/0631 for Erection of 2 storey house and garage (as amended 24/504663/NMAMD).

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Kathryn Altieri

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Graham Farrant

Agent: Yandle Associates Ltd

Address: G And S Smallholdings Wheelers Lane Linton Kent ME17 4BN

Parish: Linton

Ward: Loose And Linton

Application Reference: 24/504463/FULL

Extension of existing vehicilar access onto highway

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Yuqi Bi

Applicant: Mrs Clare Mcnama


Address: 3 Cornwallis Cottages Heath Road Linton Kent ME17 4NR

Parish: Linton

Ward: Loose And Linton

Application Reference: 24/504997/FULL

Change of use of commercial unit to a residential dwelling: including erection of a single storey rear extension and demolition of existing sheds.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sam Cowdry

Applicant: Mr B Upton

Agent: Refine Architecture Ltd

Address: 66 Union Street Maidstone Kent ME14 1ED


Ward: High Street

Application Reference: 24/504600/FULL

To install a freestanding canopy system with a soak away.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr Alex Webber

Agent: 123V LTD

Address: 3 Aldington Court Cottages Pilgrims Way Thurnham Kent ME14 3LW

Parish: Thurnham

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/505024/FULL

Installation of 4no. rooflights: 2no. casement windows and replacement of existing casement window in a downstairs room.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Louise Welsford

Applicant: Mr Andrew Kilbey


Address: 1 Oak Croft Bearsted Kent ME14 4GF

Parish: Bearsted

Ward: Bearsted And Downswood

Application Reference: 24/505040/FULL

Erection of an orangery rear extension to replace the existing bay window with door.

Application Type: FULL

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: MR J DENTON

Agent: Anglian Home Improvements

Address: 10 Matthews Avenue Harrietsham Kent ME17 1GJ

Parish: Harrietsham

Ward: Harrietsham

Application Reference: 24/505074/LBC

Listed Building Consent for extension of existing rear dormer to create enlarged bathroom: including internal alterations: installation of 5no. vent tiles: replacement of front and rear doors and replacement of 5no. windows with heritage profile double glazing.

Application Type: LBC

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr J Flegg

Agent: Gba Designs Ltd

Address: 1 Hillside Cottage Malling Road Teston Kent ME18 5AN

Parish: Teston

Ward: Barming Heath And Teston

Application Reference: 24/504883/LBC

Listed Building Consent for installation of EV charger.

Application Type: LBC

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Louise Welsford

Applicant: Mr Simon Rudd


Address: 2 Vine Cottages Lower Street Broomfield Kent ME17 1PT

Parish: Broomfield And Kingswood

Ward: Leeds And Langley

Application Reference: 24/505015/LDCEX

Lawful Development Certificate for existing change of use of paddock to residential curtilage.

Application Type: LDCEX

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr W Page

Agent: Lyondale

Address: Flambards Laddingford Maidstone Kent ME18 6BP

Parish: Yalding

Ward: Marden And Yalding

Application Reference: 24/504947/PNG

Prior notification for the change of use from Commercial: Business and Service (Use Class E (C) ii): to mixed use including one residential flat (Use Class C3). For its prior approval to: - Contamination risks in relation to the building. - Flooding risks in relation to the building. - Impacts of noise from commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the development. - The provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the dwellinghouses. - Arrangements required for the storage and management of domestic waste.

Application Type: PNG

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sam Cowdry

Applicant: Rzgar Propery Ltd

Agent: Mrs J Keeley

Address: 19 Union Street Maidstone Kent ME14 1EB


Ward: High Street

Application Reference: 24/505009/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 17 - (External lighting) subject to 17/503852/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sema Yurtman

Applicant: G M Everard Ltd


Address: Wierton Place Wierton Road Boughton Monchelsea Kent ME17 4JW

Parish: Boughton Monchelsea

Ward: Boughton Monchelsea And Chart Sutton

Application Reference: 24/504970/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 - Ecology: Subject to 24/501875/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Louise Welsford

Applicant: Mr Richard Davies


Address: South Lodge 55 London Road Maidstone Kent ME16 8JH


Ward: Allington And Bridge

Application Reference: 24/504995/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 4-( long-term management plan) :9- ( details and evidence of measues) :14-( external lighting):17-(details of public refuse bins) :21-(infiltration) :30- (details of signage) subject to 23/503788/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Richard Timms

Applicant: Gallagher Properties Ltd

Agent: DHA Planning

Address: Plots 6 & 7 Eclipse Park Sittingbourne Road North Maidstone Kent

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Grove Green And Vinters Park

Application Reference: 24/505020/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to conditions 3 - Archaeology Evaluation: 6 - Landscaping and 8 - Renewable Energy: Subject to 23/503950/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 04/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sam Cowdry

Applicant: CJC Homes Ltd.

Agent: EP Architects Ltd.

Address: Bicknor Farm Sutton Road Langley Kent ME17 3NG

Parish: Otham

Ward: Senacre

Application Reference: 24/505030/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 4- (landscape scheme) 6-(enhancement of ecology) subject to 24/503730/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr Ade Bakare

Agent: Planning Consent UK Ltd

Address: 24 Mill Bank Headcorn Kent TN27 9RD

Parish: Headcorn

Ward: Headcorn And Sutton Valence

Application Reference: 24/505029/SUB

Submission of details pursuant to condition 4- (enhancement of biodiversity) subject to 24/503722/FULL

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Paula Dodge

Agent: Jane Elizabeth Architects

Address: 10 Reeves Close Staplehurst Kent TN12 0NN

Parish: Staplehurst

Ward: Staplehurst

Application Reference: 24/504985/SUB

Submission Of Details Pursuant to condition 3 - Landscape Planting Plan and 5 - Biodiversity Enhancements: Subject to APP/U2235/W/23/3333644 (23/503104/FULL)

Application Type: SUB

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Sema Yurtman

Applicant: JIG Planning & Development

Agent: JIG Planning & Development

Address: Smiths Hill Farm Smiths Hill West Farleigh Kent ME15 0PG

Parish: West Farleigh

Ward: Coxheath And Farleigh

Application Reference: 24/505087/TCA

Conservation area notification: T1 Horse Chestnut: Reduce South West stem by 4m back to suitable growth point (clear stem from BT cable): T2 Oak: Remove major deadwood: T4 Silver Birch: Lift to 3m & prune overhang by 2m over play park: formative prune (for safety and maintenance) T5 Ash: Reduce property side by 3m.

Application Type: TCA

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)

Applicant: Marden Parish Council

Agent: Qualitree Services Ltd.

Address: 1 Napoleon Drive Marden Kent TN12 9TR

Parish: Marden

Ward: Marden And Yalding

Application Reference: 24/505086/TCA

Conservation area notification: T1 Sycamore: Clear lamp by 1.5m & lift up to 6m from ground: T2 Mulberry: Clear lamp by 1.5m: T3 & T4 Mulberries: Reduce by 30% H7m to 5m W2m to 1.5m: T5 Judas: Reduce H5m to 2.5m W2m to 1m: All works are to give clearance and maintain the trees in size with surroundings

Application Type: TCA

Date Validated: 05/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)

Applicant: Church Street Management Company

Agent: Qualitree Services Ltd.

Address: Dudley House Church Street Maidstone Kent ME14 1BF


Ward: High Street

Application Reference: 24/505036/TPOA

Tree Preservation Order application: (1 of 1969) G1 Coppice 12 Chestnut stems outside Parish Office: the stool is also open in the middle with water pooling. T14 Crown raise east crown of T14 Sweet Chestnut to 7m to clear CCTV sight line to site entrance.

Application Type: TPOA

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Lewis Bedwell

Applicant: Boxley Parish Council

Agent: Hood's Tree Services Ltd

Address: Beechen Hall Wildfell Close Boxley Kent ME5 9RU

Parish: Boxley

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/505047/TPOA

Conservation area notification to prune one Yew (T1) back to the boundary line and shape. Reduce three Sycamore (T2: T3 and T5) to a height of 9m and 2m spread and remove one Sycamore (T4). TPO 4 of 1973.

Application Type: TPOA

Date Validated: 03/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Lewis Bedwell

Applicant: Stephen James

Agent: Qualitree Services Ltd

Address: Whispers The Street Detling Kent ME14 3JT

Parish: Detling

Ward: Boxley Downs

Application Reference: 24/504957/TPOA

Tree Preservation Order Application: Sweet Chestnut (T1) - To carry out a whole crown reduction by 3m on all sides: leaving the remaining height of the tree at approx. 12m and the crown spread at 6m. Also remove Epicormic growth from the trunks: as an ongoing management process due to the trees close proximity to nearby buildings.

Application Type: TPOA

Date Validated: 02/12/2024

Status: Pending Consideration

Officer: Paul Hegley (MBC)

Applicant: Aspen Tree Services

Agent: Aspen Tree Services

Address: 1 Porchester Close Maidstone Kent ME15 9SW

Parish: Loose

Ward: Loose And Linton

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