Planning applications

Applications, pre-application advice, fees, payments, S106, BNG and general advice.

Our main services

Active Travel England standing advice

What Active Travel England is and how it affects development proposals.

Planning application fees

Find out how much your planning application could cost.

Search for a planning application

Use our search to find a planning application

Local self build register

Register for self-build projects or custom-build plots.

Apply for planning permission

Apply for planning permission using our online service or download a paper version.

Planning application guide

What information is needed to validate basic planning applications.

Find out if you need planning permission

Advice on if you need permission, permitted developments, technical guidance and our interactive guide.

Recently received planning applications

Planning applications received and validated in the previous week.

Recently decided planning applications

Planning applications decided in the previous week.

Make a payment

Use our form to pay for applications, CIL and copies of our local plan

Pre-application advice

We recommend you use our service to get advice before you submit an application.

Comment on planning applications

How to comment on a planning application.

Biodiversity Net Gain

Find out about Biodiversity Net Gain

Contact Mid Kent Planning Support

How you can contact us for administrative and technical support for your application.

Section 106s

Information about section 106s

Making changes following planning permission

Advice on making changes to planning permission.

Submit a research request

How to submit a research request for enforcement notices and S106 agreements