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Agenda item

Cross Cutting Issues


The Committee noted that their terms of reference included developing mechanisms for addressing cross cutting issues to prevent duplication in the work of individual committees.


It was explained that the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services OSC had received an update, in March 2014, on the recommendations of the Council as a Business Review and that the same Committee would receive an update, in financial terms, in October 2014.


However, in view of the cross cutting nature of the review, it was agreed that the Economic and Commercial Development OSC should follow up, and monitor, the full Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP) during the course of the 2014/15 municipal year.


In addition to the Council as a Business Review, the following cross cutting issues were discussed:


·  Commercialisation

·  Gypsy and Traveller Sites




a)  The SCRAIP for the Council as a Business Review be monitored by the Economic and Commercial Development OSC during the 2014/15 municipal year;


b)  The Council’s Commercialisation Strategy be reviewed by the Economic and Commercial Development OSC;


c)  Gypsy and Traveller Sites be considered by Planning, Transport and Development OSC, in June 2014, as part of their work programme development for 2014/15.



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