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2014/15 Quarter 3 Key Performance Indicator Report

13/02/2015 - 2014/15 Quarter 3 Key Performance Indicator Report

(1)  That the out-turns of the KPIs as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Head of Policy and Communications and the definitions set out in Appendix B be noted;

(2)  That the following indicators that are unlikely to achieve the annual performance target be noted:

-  DCV 005 Processing of minor planning applications within 
  statutory timescales (reported at Q3).
-  DCV 006 Processing of other planning applications within
  statutory timescales.
-  WCN 006 Missed bins.
-  HSG 005 Number of households prevented from becoming
  homeless through the intervention of housing advice.

-  PIT Satisfaction with complaint handling

-  BIM 004 Change in the number of outgoing post items.

-  HRO 001 Working days lost to sickness absence (rolling years).

(3)  That the new monitoring KPI for Development Enforcement: DCE 004 Percentage of enforcement cases investigated within 21 days be agreed; and

(4)  That it was agreed that there were no other areas where further action was required.