Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and
Chairman had already read out a statement on behalf of Councillor
Kenward of Ulcombe Parish
1. That permission
be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report with the
amendment of condition 4 (i) (Site
Development Scheme) to:
Require the planting of the 5m wide landscape buffer
area and then outside this area to the north the type 1 surface
material to be removed with the land
left to regenerate naturally (details of how this will happen to be
included in the Site Development Scheme);
Specify that the landscape scheme should not include
the planting of Sycamore trees;
Specify the biodiversity enhancements to be
provided; and
Require the re-instatement of a pond within the
buffer area if possible.
2. That the Head of Planning and
Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of
the amended condition and to amend any other conditions as a
Voting: 10
– For 0 –
Against 1
- Abstention