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Issue - meetings
21/506664/FULL - Rosehill, Vanity Lane, Linton, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4BP
Meeting: 21/04/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 286)
Additional documents:
- 21/506664/FULL - Committee Report, item 286 PDF 330 KB
- Urgent Update for item 20_Rosehill_20220419, item 286 PDF 101 KB View as HTML (286/3) 2 KB
The Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development.
In introducing the application, the Team Leader (Development Management and Enforcement) drew the Committee’s attention to the amended description set out in the urgent update report.
The Head of Planning and Development advised the Committee that this was an application for a new dwelling with its own curtilage in the countryside. This was contrary to the Development Plan and the application had been advertised as a departure with an expiry date of 28 April 2022. The structural survey showed that the existing building was incapable of conversion, and it was recommended that, if Members were minded to grant permission, a condition be imposed requiring that over 90% of the original building materials be salvaged and used in the replacement building.
Ms Altaras, agent for the applicant, addressed the meeting in person.
RESOLVED: That consideration of this application be deferred for further negotiations to bring forward an exemplar scheme with a design as close to the original building as possible, making as much use of the existing building materials as possible; this to include a re-examination of the design (in particular the glass link); the incorporation of renewable energy generation measures; and above standard ecological measures such as boundary treatments (gaps under fences) and timber piles etc. in addition to those referenced in the report.
Voting: 12 – For 1 – Against 0 – Abstentions