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Issue - meetings

Air Quality Working Group

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Communities, Housing and Environment Committee (Item 66)

66 Report of the Head of Housing and Community Services - Air Quality Working Group pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That a Member working group of five members be established.


2.  That the three representatives of Communities, Housing and Environment Committee be appointed as follows:


Councillors M Burton, Mortimer and Robertson.


3.  That a reference be made to Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee to request the nomination of two Members to represent that committee on the working group.


4.  That the terms of reference of the working group be agreed at the first meeting of the group.



The Head of Housing and Community Services presented the report asking Members to consider the establishment of a working group to explore themes arising from the Low Emissions Strategy workshop held in July 2016.


Three nominations to the working group were requested, and were received as follows: Councillors M Burton, D Mortimer and Robertson.





1.  That a Member working group of five members be established.


2.  That the three representatives of Communities, Housing and Environment Committee be appointed as follows:


Councillors M Burton, Mortimer and Robertson.


3.  That a reference be made to Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee to request the nomination of two Members to represent that committee on the working group.


4.  That the terms of reference of the working group be agreed at the first meeting of the group.


For – 8  Against – 0    Abstain – 0