Issue - decisions

Joint Report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services and the Cobtree Officer - Master Plan - Cobtree Manor Park

09/03/2011 - Master Plan - Cobtree Manor Park

That the Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee agree:-


i)  the revised master plan as shown in Appendix A of the joint report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services and the Cobtree Officer

ii)  the budget assessment

iii)  the indicative project plan for the scheme

iv)  the design elements for the various works

v)  the preferred scheme for the play area be accepted and delegated authority be given to the Head of Legal Services to enter into the appropriate contract with the preferred contractor, Eibe, once the release of permanent endowment funding has been agreed with the Charity Commission

vi)  that the play area be funded from a loan from the permanent endowment and that this be repaid over a minimum ten year period, subject to the views of the charity’s auditors and the Charity Commission 

vii)  that the remainder of the improvement scheme be the subject to further discussion regarding funding with the heritage lottery officers and the Charity Commission and that a further report be made to the Committee at the earliest opportunity.