Issue - meetings

Local Plan Review budget

Meeting: 24/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 182)

182 Local Plan Review budget pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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The Director of Finance and Business Improvement introduced the report which had been produced following consultation with the Finance teams, Head of Planning and Development and the Interim Local Plan Review (LPR) Director. Appendix A to the report detailed the projected LPR expenditure up until 2023. 


The Committee were informed that the projections included a £30,000 contingency fund for both 2021/22 and 2022/23. The proposed work relating to the Town Centre Plan could be funded separately from the General Fund Local Plan Review Revenue Budget through Section 106 monies. The additional £200,000 required for 2021/22 would be funded through the Corporate Contingency Fund. This would be partly supported through the sub-lease of office space within Maidstone House. The £135,000 required for 2022/23 would be considered as part of the annual review of the Council’s budget proposals.


The Committee expressed support for the measures proposed.




1.  The programme for the Local Plan Review and related projects be noted;


2.  Arrangements for funding this work, in line with the Council’s agreed budget and policy framework, be noted; and


3.  The process for monitoring actual expenditure and reporting this to the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee and this Committee, be noted.