Issue - meetings

Local Plan Review Requirements Leading to Submission

Meeting: 21/03/2022 - Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee (Item 216)

216 Local Plan Review Requirements Leading to Submission pdf icon PDF 232 KB

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Prior to the introduction of the report by the Strategic Planning Manager:


Mrs Sue Harwood presented a petition objecting to the Lidsing Garden Community proposal.


Ms Kate Hammond addressed the meeting on behalf of the Save Our Heathlands Action Group.


Mr Chris Hawkins of DHA Planning addressed the meeting.


The Strategic Planning Manager then introduced his report setting out the three primary areas of work to be considered as the Local Planning Authority moved towards submission of the Local Plan Review documents at the end of March 2022; these being the updated evidence base; the draft Statements of Common Ground; and the proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan Review.


The Strategic Planning Manager explained that:


·  With the agreement of the Committee, the proposed Main Modifications would be forwarded to the Secretary of State as part of the submission documents.  There was an urgent update to the report regarding the updated evidence base and the proposed Main Modifications.


·  The report also provided background to the current position including the results of the Regulation 19 consultation that finished in December 2021 and a summary of the main issues raised.  The individual representations had been published and were available to view.


·  The evidence base for the Local Plan Review was constantly under review and had been updated at various key stages of production.  Updates to certain components of the evidence base had also taken place following the Regulation 19 consultation and were set out as background documents to the report.  They included evidence updates from strategic site promoters, further information on transport modelling, additional work on the Habitats Regulations Assessment and an AONB Mitigation Paper.  The updated evidence would help the Local Planning Authority as it sought to meet the tests of soundness at the forthcoming Independent Examination.


·  Regarding the draft Statements of Common Ground, the Inspector was required to examine whether in preparation of the Local Plan Review, the Council had complied with the Duty to Co-operate.  The Local Planning Authority had engaged, as it was required to do, with neighbouring authorities and other relevant prescribed bodies.  It was the intention to finalise and sign off the Statements of Common Ground following the meeting in order that they may form part of the submission documents.


·  The proposed Main Modifications were not minor changes such as typographical or graphical adjustments.  They would be proposed by the Local Planning Authority on the basis that they would help the Local Plan Review documents to be found sound and legally compliant at Independent Examination.  Most of the Main Modifications were relatively straightforward and represented opportunities to clarify the Local Planning Authority’s position regarding specific matters. 


·  There were Main Modifications proposed to the Policies for Heathlands, Lidsing and Invicta Barracks so that there is greater clarity regarding the expectations of the Local Planning Authority in terms of the delivery of housing and other forms of development as well as the timings of infrastructure.  This was to address various representations that sought greater clarity and certainty regarding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 216