Issue - meetings
Waste Review - Update Report
Meeting: 06/10/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)
45 The Council's Performance against the Waste Strategy - Update Report PDF 216 KB
Additional documents:
- Re-refined scope for the Council's Performance against the Waste Strategy., item 45 PDF 90 KB View as HTML (45/2) 19 KB
The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report and stated a review into the Council’s Performance against the Waste Strategy, with a focus on the waste contract’s re-procurement, would not be beneficial as the re-procurement process had progressed into the advanced stages.
The alternative options contained within points 3.1 and 3.2 of the report were outlined, which included reviewing the Waste Strategy ahead of its refresh in 2023.
The Head of Environmental Services and Public Realm explained the link between the Waste Strategy and the Waste Contract; the former had contributed to many service changes, including the introduction of weekly food bin collections, adoption of the waste hierarchy and waste production communications. The latter provided for how those services were delivered.
The Council’s previous Communities, Housing and Environment Committee had agreed that the contract specification would remain unchanged, and that the Council would remain within the Mid Kent Waste Partnership (MKWP). The procurement process had commenced ten-months ago, with the final decision on the contract’s award expected in December 2022. Therefore, it would be difficult for the review to focus on the contract’s re-procurement, which if amended would require consideration by the MKWP.
In considering the review’s lines of enquiry attached at Appendix 1 to the report, the Committee felt that the communications used to improve recycling rates should be considered within the second line of enquiry. The importance of reducing waste, alongside increasing recycling rates, was questioned, with the Head of Environmental Services and Public Realm stating that whilst important, reuse of items and the overall reduction in specific waste, such as good waste, was difficult to measure. However, waste reduction methods and the diversion of waste could be considered as part of the review. The Head of Environmental Services and Public Realm further stated that Kent County Council could be consulted, as the relevant waste authority, on where the Council’s recycling was distributed to.
The Committee expressed support for reviewing the Council’s Performance against the Waste Strategy, as it was felt that positive improvements could be made ahead of the document’s refresh in 2023.
The Committee would prefer for the review to take place in the evening to better suit Member’s availability.
1. The contents of the report be noted; and
2. Option 3.1 of the report, to hold a review into the Council’s Performance against the Waste Strategy, be agreed.