Issue - meetings
PI PAC Fees and Charges.
Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Planning and Infrastructure Policy Advisory Committee (Item 120)
120 Fees and Charges PDF 175 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Current and Proposed Fees & Charges – PI PAC, item 120
PDF 314 KB
- Appendix 2 - Charging Policy, item 120
PDF 442 KB
The Head of Finance introduced the report and explained that Fees and Charges for 2023/24 would be implemented from 1 April 2023. Fees and charges could be split into two types; statutory and discretionary. The discretionary charges had been proposed following input from budget managers regarding their specific areas, considering a number of factors including the Council’s values, the impact of competition and costs of service delivery. The proposed changes to the discretionary charges as outlined in table 1 of the report were summarised.
In response to questions, the Head of Finance explained that the proposals had taken into account the costs of service provision. However in relation to parking charges, the impact of Covid-19 was also considered and the two issues needed to be balanced.
Some concern was raised regarding the ability to fully consider the fees and charges presented without more information, including a line by line breakdown of current estimates.
The Head of Finance explained that only the top-line figures were presented within the estimates column, as there would be fluctuations within the individual lines which would impact how the budgets looked. A separate report on savings and growth would be presented to the Committee at their January 2023 meeting which would give further information on the financial position of services within the Committee’s remit.
The Leader of the Council added that more comprehensive figures would be too detailed to present within the report, but specific data sets could be given outside of the meeting in order to assist the Committee to consider the impact of fees and charges to the Council.
In response to debate, the Leader of the Council acknowledged the opportunity to increase car park charges in the town centre, but was keen for the Council’s car parks to remain competitive.
1. the report be noted; and
2. the Executive be recommended to approve the Fees and Charges set out at Appendix 1 to the report.