101 Fees and Charges 2024/25
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Additional documents:
Cabinet Member for Environmental Services introduced the report and
advised that charges would broadly increase by 5%, which was less
than inflation. There would be some discrepancy with the
discretionary services such as the crematorium and bereavement
services which would be increased following market rules and be
decided by the manager of the business. With these there would be
steep increases at some points and none at other times.
report contained the incorrect figures for fixed penalty notices
for waste crime as a decision had recently been taken to increase
those. The uplifted figures would be
provided to Cabinet when agreeing the fees and charges.
concern was raised that there had been no opportunities in the
consultations for local residents to
state that they would want an increase in services.
- Note
the contents of the report;
- Recommend to the Cabinet that the Fees and Charges as detailed
in Appendix A to the report with the updated figures for fixed
penalty notices for waste crime be approved; and
- Note
the Fees and Charges Policy as detailed in Appendix B to the