Issue - meetings

Maidstone Local Bus Focus Group

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Policy Advisory Committee (Item 122)

122 Maidstone Local Bus Focus Group pdf icon PDF 323 KB


The Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development introduced the report and stated that the proposed Local Bus Focus Group (LBFG) would replace the previous Quality Bus Partnership which had ended in 2021. Kent County Council (KCC) had proposed the LBFG’s creation as part of a countywide strategic network. It was hoped that the LBFG would provide a mechanism for the Council to input into issues affecting the borough, with a regular update report to be presented to the Maidstone Joint Transport Board for accountability purposes.


Option 1 of the report was the preferred option, which contained two recommendations.


The Committee supported the creation of an LBFG, but expressed concerns that the group may not be effective, could lack accountability and become a forum to discuss existing issues as opposed to pursuing improvements. Specific references were made to the following: that the rural areas needed to be represented, as there had been a reduction in the bus services available making the services more difficult to use and that alternative options should be considered; bus services were not reliable and there was a lack of accountability from service providers and; that a variety of external agencies should be involved in the LBGF to ensure its success, as well as KCC and the LBFG.


In response to the comments made the Cabinet Member stated that:


  • KCC’s initial proposal did not include Member engagement, but this had been put forward by the Council;


  • Creating a LBFG would be an improvement on the current situation, with it hoped that the Council could secure improvements through the group. A significant amount of work had gone into the proposal;


  • As the Council would be administering the LBFG, it would be appropriate to invite additional external partners where required, but KCC attendance had to be secured.


  • If the Committee wished to be updated on the LBFG’s creation and meetings, this should be after at least two meetings.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that KCC had been allocated £35.9 million in funding to support the Bus Service Improvement Plan and Enhanced Partnership network, with this to be allocated through the proposed structure. Creating a LBFG would allow the Council to put a case forward to access the funding. 




1.  A local bus focus group be created to allow for interaction and work on strategic issues with bus operators;

2.  Delegated authority be given to the Head of Spatial Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to commit the monies received from the Local Authority Bus Subsidy (Revenue) Grant, totalling £39,766, in accordance with the grant funding agreement as outlined in point 2.4 of the report; and

3.  An update be provided to the Committee after at least two meetings of the local bus focus group have taken place.