Issue - meetings

Core Strategy Strategic Development Site Allocations

Meeting: 25/07/2012 - Cabinet. (Item 54)

54 Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the site allocation policies set out in the Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations: Public Consultation 2012 document (as attached at Appendix A to the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment) with the exclusion of SS3 be approved for public consultation subject to the following amendments:-


East of Hermitage Lane

1.  After paragraph 3.16 add new paragraph: “East of Hermitage Lane lies, in part, within an identified biodiversity opportunity area (BOA).  The Greensand Heaths and Commons BOA, in which the north eastern portion of the site is located, is characterised by a concentration of woodlands on the Greensand Ridge where areas of heathy vegetation and acid grassland are a feature. The larger field, which is proposed for development, has been ploughed on a number of occasions, although opportunities exist for targeted habitat restoration and creation as part of the development.”

2.  Delete paragraph 3.17 and replace with: “At the south western end of the site is a smaller field with an area of protected trees to the north east. The field and trees, which are to be retained as informal/natural open space, offer the chance to create an enhanced biodiversity corridor through and around the proposed development.  Retention of the smaller field also allows a section of archaeological remains to be left in situ, as advised by the County Archaeologist.  The retention and enhancement of this part of the site will also screen the proposed development from Hermitage Lane and maintain the setting of Maidstone Hospital.”

North of Sutton Road

3.  Paragraph 4.10 following “and enclosure to development” add: “The County Ecologist has identified the eastern part of the site as having ecological potential so more detailed consideration should be given to this area through the submission of an ecology survey, incorporating mitigation measures, to be approved by the Borough Council.  Existing landscape features within the site should be retained where possible.  Bicknor Wood to the north of the site and the trees running along the eastern boundary are subject to tree preservation orders (TPO No.37 of 1981 and TPO No.36 of 1981).”

4.  Policy SS2c add new criterion: “Submission of a full landscape assessment and ecology survey, to be approved by the Borough Council”.


Newnham Park

5.  Paragraph 6.10 after “views from the AONB” add: “Of particular prominence is the hill to the north east of the field located to the east of the stream, so development will not be permitted on this part of the site.”

6.  Paragraph 6.15 amend to read “The medical campus will provide for up to 200,000m2 150,000m2  of specialist medical facilities”.

7.  Policy SS4(1) amend to read “Provision of a maximum 200,000m2 of specialist medical facilities set within an enhanced landscape structure” and replace with “Provision of a maximum 200,000m2 150,000m2 of specialist medical facilities set within an enhanced landscape structure”.

8.  Policy SS4(2) before the word “vicinity” add the word “immeadiate”.

9.  Policy SS4(5) after “…use of the  ...  view the full decision text for item 54




1.  That the site allocation policies set out in the Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations: Public Consultation 2012 document (as attached at Appendix A to the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment) with the exclusion of SS3 be approved for public consultation subject to the following amendments:-


East of Hermitage Lane

1.  After paragraph 3.16 add new paragraph: “East of Hermitage Lane lies, in part, within an identified biodiversity opportunity area (BOA).  The Greensand Heaths and Commons BOA, in which the north eastern portion of the site is located, is characterised by a concentration of woodlands on the Greensand Ridge where areas of heathy vegetation and acid grassland are a feature. The larger field, which is proposed for development, has been ploughed on a number of occasions, although opportunities exist for targeted habitat restoration and creation as part of the development.”

2.  Delete paragraph 3.17 and replace with: “At the south western end of the site is a smaller field with an area of protected trees to the north east. The field and trees, which are to be retained as informal/natural open space, offer the chance to create an enhanced biodiversity corridor through and around the proposed development.  Retention of the smaller field also allows a section of archaeological remains to be left in situ, as advised by the County Archaeologist.  The retention and enhancement of this part of the site will also screen the proposed development from Hermitage Lane and maintain the setting of Maidstone Hospital.”

North of Sutton Road

3.  Paragraph 4.10 following “and enclosure to development” add: “The County Ecologist has identified the eastern part of the site as having ecological potential so more detailed consideration should be given to this area through the submission of an ecology survey, incorporating mitigation measures, to be approved by the Borough Council.  Existing landscape features within the site should be retained where possible.  Bicknor Wood to the north of the site and the trees running along the eastern boundary are subject to tree preservation orders (TPO No.37 of 1981 and TPO No.36 of 1981).”

4.  Policy SS2c add new criterion: “Submission of a full landscape assessment and ecology survey, to be approved by the Borough Council”.

Newnham Park

5.  Paragraph 6.10 after “views from the AONB” add: “Of particular prominence is the hill to the north east of the field located to the east of the stream, so development will not be permitted on this part of the site.”

6.  Paragraph 6.15 amend to read “The medical campus will provide for up to 200,000m2 150,000m2  of specialist medical facilities”.

7.  Policy SS4(1) amend to read “Provision of a maximum 200,000m2 of specialist medical facilities set within an enhanced landscape structure” and replace with “Provision of a maximum 200,000m2 150,000m2 of specialist medical facilities set within an enhanced landscape structure”.

8.  Policy SS4(2) before the word “vicinity” add the word “immeadiate”.

9.  Policy SS4(5) after  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54

Meeting: 24/07/2012 - Spatial Planning Strategy Advisory Group (Item 10)

10 Core Strategy Strategic Development Site Allocations pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


The Group considered the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment relating to the draft Core Strategy strategic site allocations for housing and employment, together with the policy for the presumption in favour of sustainable development and the distribution of housing targets for rural service centres, and to approve the document attached at Appendix A to the report for public consultation in accordance with regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.


The Group discussed in great detail the issues raised in the report and the various measures that could be taken in respect of the concerns raised.


The Director of Change, Planning and the Environment reported to the Group a number of amendments he wished to make to the consultation document which are set out below:-


Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations – Proposed Amendments


East of Hermitage Lane

1.  After paragraph 3.16 add new paragraph: “East of Hermitage Lane lies, in part, within an identified biodiversity opportunity area (BOA).  The Greensand Heaths and Commons BOA, in which the north eastern portion of the site is located, is characterised by a concentration of woodlands on the Greensand Ridge where areas of healthy vegetation and acid grassland are a feature. The larger field, which is proposed for development, has been ploughed on a number of occasions, although opportunities exist for targeted habitat restoration and creation as part of the development.”

2.  Delete paragraph 3.17 and replace with: “At the south western end of the site is a smaller field with an area of protected trees to the north east. The field and trees, which are to be retained as informal/natural open space, offer the chance to create an enhanced biodiversity corridor through and around the proposed development.  Retention of the smaller field also allows a section of archaeological remains to be left in situ, as advised by the County Archaeologist.  The retention and enhancement of this part of the site will also screen the proposed development from Hermitage Lane and maintain the setting of Maidstone Hospital.”

North of Sutton Road

3.  Paragraph 4.10 following “and enclosure to development” add: “The County Ecologist has identified the eastern part of the site as having ecological potential so more detailed consideration should be given to this area through the submission of an ecology survey, incorporating mitigation measures, to be approved by the Borough Council.  Existing landscape features within the site should be retained where possible.  Bicknor Wood to the north of the site and the trees running along the eastern boundary are subject to tree preservation orders (TPO No.37 of 1981 and TPO No.36 of 1981).”

4.  Policy SS2c add new criterion: “Submission of a full landscape assessment and ecology survey, to be approved by the Borough Council”.


Woodcut Farm

5.  Paragraph 5.3 amend first sentence to read “The site which is some 25.8ha 25.3ha, is situated…”

6.  Paragraph 5.9 add “The site does lie within the Mid Kent Greensand and Gault Biodiversity  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10

Meeting: 23/07/2012 - Regeneration & Economic Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 18)

18 Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Core Strategy Strategic Development Site Allocations pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Interview with Rob Jarman, Head of Planning and Sue Whiteside, Spatial Policy Team Leader.

Additional documents:


Following an overview of the Report from the Head of Planning, Rob Jarman and Principal Planning Officer, Sarah Anderton, Members asked if the current agenda was still realistic considering the changes that had been highlighted by the Officers who responded that overall nothing fundamental had changed and that the agenda was still achievable.


The Committee queried the change from providing estimated jobs figures to employment allocated space in metressquared. It was explained by the Officers that it was harder to measure and target job numbers than allocating floor space. Members agreed it would be useful to have estimated jobs figures provided alongside the allocated floor space. 


It was resolved that approximate figures for jobs are provided in the document alongside employment square footage.