Issue - meetings

Complaints Report Q2 2012-2013

Meeting: 08/01/2013 - Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 66)

66 Complaints Report Q2 2012-2013 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Interviews with:


·  Ellie Kershaw, Policy and Programmes Manager; and


·  Sam Bailey, Research and Performance Officer.

Additional documents:


Ellie Kershaw, Policy and Programmes Manager and Sam Bailey, Research and Performance Officer introduced the complaints report for quarter two.


The following points were highlighted to the Committee:


·  151 stage 1  complaints had been closed during the second quarter

·  98% of these had been responded to in time which was down 1% on the previous quarter;

·  No service stood out as poor performing ;

·  In terms of trends waste services had 14 complaints relating to the quality and cost of waste sacks but as these were no longer being used this would not continue;

·  Economic Development had 28 complaints relating to trips and falls in the newly designed high street;

·  Staff conduct complaints related to the litter enforcement service. Members were advised that the litter enforcement team wore cameras enabling all instances to be fully investigated.  Conduct was found to be satisfactory;

·  33% of customer complaints surveys had been returned and 39% were satisfied or very satisfied;

·  The Council had received seven compliments which were now reported alongside complaints and services were being encouraged to highlight these; and

·  The new complaints system was fully operational and the next quarter’s report would be produced via this new system.


The Committee considered the new correspondence system for complaints. It felt that all Members would benefit from training in the logging of complaints and the capabilities of the new system.


In response to Members questions on complaints to the Economic Development team regarding the safety of the high street scheme, it was explained that the complaints were sent to the service manager and any legalities arising as a result of these would be consulted on with Legal.

The Committee were informed that independent safety assessments had been carried out, all of which had found the scheme to be safe for pedestrians.  Due to the number of complaints relating to King Street the Council had replaced the granite blocks in the carriageway with black tarmac to provide maximum distinction between the different heights of the carriageway and pavement.


The Committee resolved to keep a watching brief on the complaints issues relating to the high street scheme. In relation to this issue Members made

the following requests for information:


·  Maidstone Borough Council’s Health and Safety Procedure; and

·  Maidstone Borough Council’s Risk Management Strategy.


It was resolved that:


a)  Member training be offered in the new correspondence system so that the system of logging Member/resident complaints can be understood from first point of contact. Training should also include the functionality of the complaints system including the facility to record both the residents and Councillors name against a single complaint and how this can be monitored;

b)  A watching brief be kept on the complaints relating to the high street scheme, adding the item to the Committee’s future work programme with the option to invite appropriate officers from Economic Development to the Committee’s next meeting on complaints monitoring; and

c)  The following information be provided to the Committee:

·  Maidstone Borough Council’s Health and Safety Procedure; and

·  Maidstone  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66