Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring 2015-16 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016-17 Onwards

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 102)

102 Budget Monitoring 2015-16 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016-17 Onwards pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the outturn for 2014/15 and the position for 2015/16 as at the end of June 2015 be noted.


2.  That the Committee requests an informal meeting with relevant officers to discuss budget pressures and opportunities to provide savings to support the medium term financial strategy and that the suggestions of that informal meeting be reported to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration.


3.  That the Committee also requests that potential capital projects be informally discussed at that meeting and that the suggestions of that informal meeting be reported to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration.




Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources, introduced the report and advised that there was a stable base to the Committee’s budget despite pressures, however further efficiencies would be required. It was explained that efficiencies should be focused on delivering against the Council’s priorities. It was suggested that a budget working group for the Committee would allow Members to discuss all budgetary and capital options informally with Officers, with the results then reported back to Committee for consideration.


Members requested additional training on the budget to aid discussion of financial matters, and were also in agreement that the majority of those present at a meeting of the Working Group should not withhold a suggestion from going forward.


It was moved, seconded and:


RESOLVED: That the recommendation to make a reference to Policy and Resources Committee confirming agreement with the decision of Policy and Resources Committee on the strategic revenue projection and the capital programme, in so far as it affects the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee, be deferred until Members of the Committee have undertaken training on the budget.


For – 9  Against – 0  Abstain – 0


It was noted that at the time of the meeting, the Planning Support Shared Service fell within the remit of Policy and Resources Committee due to the level of spend required. A report on the impact of this on the Committee’s budget was requested for inclusion on the agenda of the next formal meeting.




1.  That the outturn for 2014/15 and the position for 2015/16 as at the end of June 2015 be noted.


For – 9  Against – 0  Abstain - 0


2.  That the Committee requests an informal meeting with relevant officers to discuss budget pressures and opportunities to provide savings to support the medium term financial strategy and that the suggestions of that informal meeting be reported to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration.


For – 9  Against – 0  Abstain - 0


3.  That the Committee also requests that potential capital projects be informally discussed at that meeting and that the suggestions of that informal meeting be reported to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration.


For – 9  Against – 0  Abstain - 0