Agenda and minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Poppy Collier 01622 602242
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Willis.
Notification of Substitute Members Minutes: It was noted that Councillor Mrs Wilson was substituting for Councillor Willis.
Notification of Visiting Members Minutes: Councillor Round was in attendance as an observer.
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.
Disclosures of lobbying Minutes: All Members disclosed that they had been lobbied on item 12 – Exempt report of the KCC Head of Transportation – Report on initial investigation of route options, funding and programme.
Councillor Bird disclosed that he had been lobbied on urgent item 15 – Request for communication with Kent Police.
Urgent Items Minutes: The Chairman agreed to take the following as urgent items as the information was not available when the agenda was published:
Urgent Update to item 11 – Maidstone Highway Works Programme April 2016
Urgent Update to exempt item 12 – Report on initial investigation of route options, funding and programme
Item 13 – Verbal report on the Harrietsham transport improvement scheme
Item 14 – Verbal update on the Integrated Transport Strategy
The Chairman agreed to take the following as an urgent item due to the length of time until the next meeting:
Item 15 – Verbal report to request correspondence with Kent Police
Verbal report of the Head of Planning and Development - Harrietsham transport improvement scheme Minutes: The Head of Planning and Development, Rob Jarman, advised the Board that a gap in funding of £0.25 million for the Harrietsham transport improvement scheme had been identified. This was caused by the difference between the total cost and the monies likely to accumulate through S106 agreements.
It was explained that a bid could be made to the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for funding. Alternatively, existing Local Growth Fund monies that had been allocated to schemes that were no longer progressing could be utilised.
RESOLVED: That the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee and the KCC Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport be recommended to consider the Harrietsham transport improvement scheme for allocation of the required additional funding of £0.25 million from existing monies in the Local Growth Fund, or through a bid to the Local Enterprise Partnership.
For – 18 Against – 0 Abstain – 0
Verbal update of the Head of Planning and Development - Integrated Transport Strategy Minutes: The Chairman provided the Board with an update on the progression of the Integrated Transport Strategy, and advised Members that KCC and MBC Officers were working together on a statement of common ground.
During discussion it was stated that KCC and MBC had not agreed the wording of a report on the Integrated Transport Strategy and a further meeting was required to reach consensus.
RESOLVED: That the Chairman for the Municipal Year 2016-17 be requested to arrange an additional meeting of the Board to take place in advance of the scheduled meeting in July 2016.
Verbal report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Request for correspondence with Kent Police Minutes: Councillor Bird informed the Board of parking issues experienced by residents within the Maidstone Central division. Residents had been advised to report to Kent Police instances in which vehicles caused an obstruction but fell outside of MBC parking enforcement, however residents had relayed to Councillor Bird that the police had not accepted these as actionable issues.
RESOLVED: That the Chairman be requested to write to Kent Police to urge them to take action against motorists who cause an obstruction to residents and motorists, with the letter to be checked by a legal advisor before sending.
For – 18 Against – 0 Abstain – 0
To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information Minutes: RESOLVED: That the item on part II of the agenda be taken in private as proposed.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 February 2016 PDF 60 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Petitions Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:
Platts Heath safe transport scheme
We, the undersigned, call upon Kent County Council to produce, with local community participation, a transport plan to make our village safe and sustainable for the future.
• a maximum speed limit of 20mph in School Lane • 20mph outside the school in Headcorn Road • investigations to take place to identify methods to slow down traffic entering from the North and South on Headcorn Road • the 30mph speed limit in Lenham Road to be extended further south as outlined in a previous report sent to Maidstone Joint Transportation Board • improved and additional signage and road markings
We ask that Kent County Council fully consider these requests and produce a plan that works and enables the community to have a safer environment for all residents. Consultation and input must include the School and all local residents and plans implemented at the Councils earliest opportunity.
Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms: We, the undersigned, request that Kent County Council extend the existing 20mph speed zone to further residential roads around North Maidstone. Due to the close proximity to local schools and the walking routes for young children the roads to be included in the 20mph zone should be: Hillary Road, The Hedges, Gladstone Road and Peel Street.
Minutes: The Chairman advised that the petitioner for the Platts Heath safe transport scheme had withdrawn the petition for consideration at the meeting.
Michelle Hastie presented a petition requesting Kent County Council to extend the existing 20 mph speed zone to further residential rounds around North Maidstone, with specific reference to Hillary Road, The Hedges, Gladstone Road and Peel Street. Ms Hastie explained that it was felt that a reduction in speed limit with appropriate signage would significantly reduce the potential for accidents.
The Chairman accepted the petition and advised that a report on the issue would be considered at the next meeting of the Board.
Questions/Statements by members of the public Minutes: Paul Harwood put a question to the Chairman in the following terms:
How did the Board arrive at their unanimous consensus at the February meeting that KCCs proposal to revise traffic flows on Loose Road between Sheals Crescent and Armstrong Road would have a beneficial effect when neither affected residents were consulted nor associated problems (viz. driveway access, relocation of bus stops, pedestrian crossing and vehicle access/exit at Heather Drive, air pollution, current carriageway widths and the effects of these changes for emergency vehicles) appear to have been thoroughly considered?
The Chairman responded as follows:
The proposed scheme for the A229 Loose Road is currently at the design stage and affected residents will be consulted when the detail is known. It is currently proposed that the existing refuge island north of the Heather Drive junction will be retained to enable pedestrians to continue to cross the A229 at this location. The detailed design will consider any potential implications for residents with regard to access to their properties. The overall intention of the scheme is to make better use of the existing carriageway space to assist traffic flow and improve journey time reliability on the A229 corridor.
Mr Harwood asked, as a supplementary question, what the timescale for consultation would be. The Chairman replied that this had not yet been scheduled, but consultation would begin at the culmination of the design stage.
Report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Verbal update on proposed amendments to the Maidstone Joint Transportation Board Agreement Minutes: Richard Emmett, KCC Highways Manager, updated the Board on the progress of amendments to the Joint Transportation Board agreement with Maidstone. In response to a question Mr Emmett agreed to ask the KCC legal team to expedite the amendments with a view to have the agreement in place by the next meeting of the Board.
RESOLVED: That the verbal update be noted.
For – 18 Against – 0 Abstain – 0
Report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Maidstone Highway Works Programme April 2016 PDF 119 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Richard Emmett, KCC Highways Manager, presented the Highway works programme for April 2016.
Members requested further information on the status of the Boughton Lane, Boughton Monchelsea and Oak Lane developer funded works. Officers agreed to circulate this to Members in advance of the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
For – 18 Against – 0 Abstain – 0
Exclusion of the Public from the Meeting Minutes: RESOLVED: That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business because of the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reason specified having applied the Public Interest test:
Report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Report on initial investigation of route options, funding and programme Minutes: Members considered the exempt report of the KCC Head of Transportation on initial investigation of route options, funding and programme.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Duration of Meeting Minutes: 5.01 p.m. to 6.29 p.m. |