Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone
Contact: Caroline Matthews 01622 602743
No. | Item |
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no disclosures by Members and Officers.
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: There were no disclosures of lobbying.
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman requested that all those participating in the hearing identified themselves as follows:-
Councillor Gordon Newton – Chairman Councillor Patrik Garten – Committee Member Councillor Mrs Denise Joy – Committee Member
Robin Harris, Legal Advisor Caroline Matthews, Democratic Services Officer
On behalf of the Applicants (Spirit of Rock Ltd) – Steve Forster, Festival Director and Gemma Sharmah, Operations Manager
Objectors – Dr Moira Thompson, Professor Edward Thompson, Mr Robin Giles and Mr Brian Chapman
Councillor Mrs Springett was present as an observer.
The Chairman asked all parties to confirm that they were aware of the hearing procedure and that each had a copy of the procedure document.
The Committee Members confirmed that they had pre-read all the papers and any other documents contained in the report regarding the hearing.
The Legal Advisor briefly outlined the application for a premises licence from 29th June to 1st July 2018 which had been received from Spirit of Rock Ltd on 16 February 2018 for a Ramblin Man Fair.
The Sub-Committee noted that a representation had been received from a member of the Community Safety Team but had been subsequently withdrawn. However, three representations had been received in regard to the prevention of public nuisance.
It was also noted that draft conditions had been proposed and the applicant had agreed them but the objectors had not.
The Applicant was invited to give his opening remarks.
Mr Forster advised that:-
He had been brought in
as Festival Director this year, so was new to this event. He was
also Managing Director of MS Live Venues and Operations which
provided 30/40 events per year. ·
He had reviewed the
application to ensure that it complied with best practice and had
tried to ensure that event protocols were in place. In addition the
event had now been contained to the Saturday and Sunday. ·
He felt that the
procedures that had been put in place this year would, he believed,
reduce the potential noise element by one third. New noise consultants (Jones Nash) had been
appointed and new changes and equipment had been brought in to
reduce noise levels. ·
The number of stages
had been reduced from 4 to 3, with the main stage being in a huge
marquee. Some of the stages would be moved to face different
directions as well. · In summary he felt that the company had taken on board previous concerns about the noise from residents and had put in measures to contain the noise levels to be within the Park.
The objectors were asked if they wished to ask questions of the Applicant.
Mr Chapman asked where the stages were to be set. Miss Sharmah (Rock Festival Ltd) advised one would face east, one would face north and one would be contained inside the large marquee which would be the main stage.
Professor Thompson asked whether the frequencies could be turned down from 63 to 55 dbs. Mr Forster, in response, stated that the noise levels had not exceeded the ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |