Council Tax
Includes paying your council tax bill, banding, moving house.
Our main services
Most popular
Council Tax bands and charges
Find the band you're in and how much you need to pay.
Discounts and exemptions
Find out if you are eligible for single person, student or other discounts or exemptions.
Council Tax change of address
Tell us you are moving.
Council Tax summary 2025-26
Our revenue budget and parish precepts.
Paperless billing
Set up to get your bills by email.
Changes in circumstances
You need to tell us of any changes which may affect what you need to pay.
Difficulty paying
What help you can get if you are struggling to pay and our recovery process.
Remove a discount
Remove a discount or exemption if someone has moved in or you are no longer eligible.
Your Council Tax bill explained
What each part of your bill means.
Your obligation to pay Council Tax
Your obligation to pay Council Tax.
Council Tax explanatory notes
Our explanatory notes on Council Tax information for 2024/25
Care Leavers
Find out whether you are eligible as a care leaver for help with your bill.
Change your Council Tax instalments
Change when your instalments come out.
Check your balance
See how much you have left to pay.
Council Tax refund
Request a refund of your Council Tax if you are in credit.
Upload Council Tax documents
Provide documents if we have requested them.
Long-term empty and second homes
What a long-term empty or a second home is, and how much Council Tax is applied.