Welcome to Maidstone

This site will help you find all the information you need about what it is like to work for Maidstone Borough Council and what is expected of you. It will explain what we do, how we do it, and what our relationships are with the people we serve.

As part of your employee on-boarding program; it will help support and guide you during your induction, sharing timely information and highlighting the activities you need to complete.

If you do not receive all relevant information, please speak to your line manager.

What to expect

To help support and guide you during your induction into the Public Service, this website is divided up into five areas:

These cover things you need to know before you start your new job, and what you’ll need to know and what to do once you have started. Each page can be accessed from the boxes on the front page.

Alison Broom, Chief Executive


Welcome to Maidstone Council, this guide will steer you through how you can contribute to making the borough an attractive place for all and securing a successful economy.

Public services are going through major changes in response to a range of issues such as cuts to budgets, increased localisation, greater demands for public involvement and control, increased expectations and a mixed economy of welfare provision.

We are a confident organisation and so whilst the Council’s resources have been diminished as a result of the local government finance settlement the ambition and aspiration to deliver our priorities remain strong. Building on our strengths - assets, knowledge and expertise and our track record for innovation and improvement we are creating a financially sustainable future so that we can continue with our undiminished with our plans.

We will only achieve the results we are aiming for through the talents and hard work of all our people. I’d encourage you to whole heartedly become part of our vision and in return you can expect support, training and fair reward from us. We will give you the opportunity to develop the skills to do your job well and create a positive working environment where your ideas about improving how we do things are valued and we manage the changes needed for new ways of working well.

I hope that you enjoy the challenges and opportunities that our organisation offers and I look forward to working with you