Heritage, landscape and trees pre-application advice

Specialist advice can be provided before you submit a planning application. This is separate to general planning pre-application advice. It helps with proposals for:

  • work on listed buildings
  • development within conservation areas
  • development in the setting of a heritage asset
  • designs and materials

For accurate advice, you need to tell us the:

  • type of advice you need
  • type of work you are proposing
  • size of your proposed development

We will make an overall assessment based on the detail you provide. Our Heritage, Landscape and Trees (HLT) officers work alongside the development management team during this process.

Pre-application advice is not a binding agreement. Any meetings or written advice provided cannot be taken as a formal determination.

Types of advice

We offer written or face-to-face advice depending on your needs. Both include follow-up advice from an officer if requested.

Written advice

You can opt for written advice if your plans and requirements are clearly stated in your application.

Face-to-face advice

Face-to-face advice is recommended if your application has several parts. You can get planning application support and discuss your options with an officer in our King Street offices or at the proposal site. On-site meetings provide an opportunity to talk about your application as you walk around the site.

Types of work

You will need to tell us what type of work you are planning when you submit your application.


Heritage work includes:

  • changes to grade I or grade II* listed buildings
  • changes to other listed structures within the property boundary
  • major structural changes to walls, windows, floors, or staircases in listed buildings
  • demolition of listed buildings or structures


Landscape work includes:

  • assessing the potential effect on the landscape
  • changes to the visual character of surrounding areas
  • proposed soft landscape schemes


Tree work includes changes to:

  • protected trees
  • significant trees close to the proposed build
  • changes to the use of land the trees are on

Development size

You will need to tell us the size of your proposed development when you submit your application.


Any work on a listed building or area including:

  • refurbishment, extensions, and alterations
  • garden outbuildings, sheds, or summer houses
  • adding solar panels
  • development within listed grounds or curtilage
  • changes to existing buildings close to significant trees
  • proposed new buildings close to significant trees


Any work within a conservation area or setting of a listed building including:

  • development of one to nine houses, flats, or holiday lets
  • changes to existing buildings within a conservation area
  • changes to existing buildings close to significant trees
  • proposed new buildings close to significant trees
  • up to 999 square metres of commercial floor space


Any soft landscape development work within a conservation area that changes its use or visual character. Includes builds of between 10 and 39 new:

  • houses
  • flats
  • apartments


Any soft landscape development work within a conservation area that changes its use or visual character. Includes builds of 40 or more new:

  • houses
  • flats
  • apartments

No development

This would usually be when you are not looking to do any work, but need advice on protected trees and tree preservation orders.


Our fees vary based on the type of development and the type of advice you need. You can find out more on our fees webpage.


Before you begin you will need:


  • a site location plan with the site outlined in red
  • scaled plans that clearly outline the planned works including elevation and floor plans
  • a report on heritage significance
  • photos of the site


  • a site location plan drawn to a recognised scale showing all existing trees, planting and landscape features
  • details of the proposed layout
  • tree surveys where needed
  • landscape and visual appraisals where needed
  • photos of the site


  • a site location plan drawn to a recognised scale showing all existing trees, planting and landscape features
  • a sketch or location plan of the site that shows the position of the trees in relation to any nearby buildings or roads
  • details of the proposed layout
  • tree reports if available
  • photos of the tree(s)

No development

  • tree reports if available
  • photos of the tree(s)

We accept Word documents, PDFs or JPEG/PNG photos that are 10 MB or smaller. You can send us additional documents later. We will tell you how to do this once you have submitted your application.


After applying

We will check your application. A HLT or planning officer will contact you if we need more information.

Written advice

You will get a written response within 20 working days.


An officer will contact you within five working days to arrange a meeting. Our charges vary based on whether you select a meeting via telephone, at Maidstone House or at the location of the proposed works. Written advice will follow within 15 working days of the meeting.

Other areas to consider

There may be other restrictions which you need to consider.


Our planning team can offer guidance for various developments and types of work.

Building regulations

Building regulations are separate to planning and are about making sure any work carried out is done correctly and to a high standard. Details of how to make an application to our building control team will be included in the email you receive after submitting your application.