Heritage, Landscape and Trees
Get advice on listed buildings, trees, hedges and conservation areas.
Our main services
Tree preservation orders (TPOs)
What Tree Preservation Orders are and how to search or apply for one.
Conservation Areas
What conservation areas are and where they are in the borough.
Dead or dangerous trees
Make a request for work to be carried out to a tree with a TPO or in a conservation area.
Listed Buildings
Find out about listed buildings and how to request more advice
Heritage, landscape and trees pre-application advice
Find out how we can help you before your application.
Locally Listed Buildings in Maidstone
Where listed buildings are in the borough.
Information on landscape character and historic parks and gardens.
Find out about hedgerows in the countryside and nuisance high hedges
Boundary treatments
Information on what boundary treatments are.
Apply for Listed Building Consent
Find out how to apply for Listed Building Consent
Heritage, landscape and trees pre-application fees
Find out about our fees for pre-applications.
Heritage statements
Information on how to write heritage statements
Buildings at risk
Our risk register.
Guidance on windows and doors
Guidance for listed buildings and conservation areas