Pre-application fees for household and minor works

Our fees are based on the scale and complexity of your proposal or query for household and minor works. All of our advice and meetings are held with a planning officer.

On-site meetings last for one hour. Additional payments for follow-up advice can be paid later if required.


TypeCurrent cost (hourly meeting rate)
Written advice £87
Telephone or office meeting £209
On-site meeting £272
Written follow-up advice £62
Telephone meeting follow-up advice £92


TypeCurrent cost (hourly meeting rate)
Written advice £308
Telephone or office meeting £431
Telephone or office meeting including a senior planning officer £739
Telephone or office meeting including the head of service  £1,047
Telephone or office meeting including senior officer and head of service £1,355
On-site meeting £554
On-site meeting including a senior planning officer £1,016
On-site meeting including head of service £1,478
On-site meeting including a senior officer and the head of service £1,940
Written follow-up advice £124
Telephone meeting follow-up advice £185

Conservation areas

Work in conservation areas will include an additional fee.

Find out more about heritage, landscape and tree pre-application advice.