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Fees and Charges 2024/25

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Corporate Services Policy Advisory Committee (Item 66)

66 Fees and Charges 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 248 KB

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The Leader of the Council introduced the report, outlining the proposal to increase fees and charges by 5% overall, had been changed in all the Council’s portfolios and were set on an inflation assumption of 5%.


In response to comments made, the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement stated that:


·  The Market’s financial performance had stabilised which justified a small increase in charges, with the 9% increase;


·  The increase in fees for charity event promotions at Jubilee Square was a result of rounding up the fee from £55 to £60;


·  The proposed Crematorium fees had been  set  to reflect increased costs, with the fees for standard services set conservatively. The fees had been benchmarked with other Councils of a similar size, and


·  The Fixed Penalty Notices for Waste Crime had increased but were not included in the report; the updated figures would be presented to the Cabinet ahead of its decision.


It was stated that the relevant Policy Advisory Committees had reviewed the Fees and Charges proposed, as relating to their remits. The number of licensed Houses of Multiple Occupation would be confirmed outside of the meeting.


The Leader of the Council emphasised the quality of service provided by the Council’s Bereavement Team, with the fee changes proposed having been carefully considered. 





1.  The report be noted; 


2.  The Fees and Charges Policy as detailed in Appendix B to the report, be noted;


3.  The Fees and Charges for the other Policy Advisory Committees as detailed in Appendices C to E of the report; and


4.  The Cabinet be recommended to approve the Fees and Charges for the Corporate Services Policy Advisory Committee as detailed in Appendix A to the report.